how to start the process of getting evaluated for hEDS?
hi! i'm 23 and have hyperadregenic POTS as well as IBS-C. i've been doing a lot of research over the last couple years and am seriously wondering if i have undiagnosed hEDS. it apparently runs in my family (i just found this out recently) but isn't officially diagnosed, even though it's blaringly obvious. i have a lot of the symptoms and have since i was very little: easy dislocations, constant subluxations and hyperextension injuries, hypermobility in my fingers, my knees are naturally hyperextended, my skin is very fragile and bruises and scars extremely easily, constant headaches/jawaches/chronic joint pain, chronic fatigue, POTS, GI issues, etc. the only thing that makes me question it is because my skin isn't unnaturally stretchy and not all of my joints are super hypermobile. idk how to even go about asking my doctor-- out of fear that i'll be dismissed. what did you all do when you first suspected it? what was your experience like with getting diagnosed, what helps you to manage (i use that word loosely) symptoms, what specialist(s) do you see? #HEDS #hypermobileehlers-DanlosSyndrome(hEDS) #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #hyperadrenergicpots #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS