I'm starting to see a new chiropractor and the way this doctor does new patient appointments is actually in two steps. The first step was to go in to get heat signature readings on the muscles and test the nerves along my spine. As well as getting xrays of my entire spine. Then today, I met my new chiropractor for the first time. I like him a lot and I think we will be able to work through my back problems together. But man I was not as prepared to learn how bad my back is as I thought I was. I found out that there is beginning deterioration of my L5, with a slight curve of my mid back. Now those two things I can handle just fine. I wasn't nearly expecting for my C1-C7 (neck) to be so misaligned. Where a healthy neck should have a curve to it, mine is almost completely straight. All of that then explains the severe muscle tightness and slight compression on some nerves along my back. However, now we begin the very painful process of carefully and slowly adjusting things little by little. But my muscles spasm really easily and that causes a lot of extra pain. It all feels like a shock tho. I'm 19, I've never played competitive sports and I've been in chronic pain for 4 years now. I'm surprised my back got so misshapen so quickly. The doctor thinks that helping realign my neck should also decrease my migraine and headache symptoms a lot. I hope that's true because they've been getting really really bad. It's going to be a long, extra painful at first, and hard road ahead to fixing these problems. #newdoctor #newplan #Hope #musclespasm #Migraine #Headache #itgetsworsebeforeitgetsbetter #ChronicPain #ChronicDailyHeadache