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30 Day Walk Challenge

The Second Annual 30-Day Winter Wonderland Walking Challenge is a commitment to incorporating 30-minutes of walking or any physical activity into 30 consecutive days.

The challenge is designed to encourage you to incorporate walking or some form of physical activity into your daily routine.

Take 30 minutes out of each day from February 1 to March 1 to walk anywhere you like outside on the treadmill, in the mall or anywhere that’s most convenient and accessible to you. If you can’t walk and wish to workout that counts! Any physical activity for 30 minutes or more will do!

Those who complete the challenge will have walked a minimum of 900 minutes, or 60 miles, by the end of the challenge.

Challenge yourself to take a 30-minute walk with a colleague at lunchtime or a 5-minute walk each hour—it all counts—whatever works for you!

Log at least 900 minutes of walking or physical activity and be entered to win a lupus prize package!

Why You Should Participate

Walking is an accessible form of exercise that is easy to do and does not require a gym. Making time for brief walking breaks throughout your day can provide numerous health benefits to include:

• Increased energy. Going for a walk when you’re tired increases oxygenated blood flow and cortisol levels, the hormones responsible for boosting energy.

• Increased energy expenditure. The body burns approximately 100 calories of energy to walk 1 mile. So increasing your level of physical activity can increase energy expenditure and potentially help you reduce body weight.

• Improved strength and function of the heart. Your heart is a muscle and low-to-moderate intensity walking is a great way to strengthen your heart, helping it become more efficient at moving blood throughout your body!

• Increased focus and concentration. Along with a boost in energy, walking is a great way to regain focus and stimulate your mind and body.

Here’s why exercise is helpful for managing lupus:

1. Exercise can strengthen parts of your body that may be affected by lupus — the heart, lungs, bones and joints.

2. Exercise, and even simple low-impact movement, will make muscles less stiff, increase your range of motion and help you reduce the risk of heart disease.

3. Exercise can strengthen parts of your body that may be affected by lupus — the heart, lungs, bones and joints.

4. Exercise helps reduce inflammation by regulating some of the chemicals involved in the inflammation process.

5. Exercise can help control weight gain caused by use of corticosteroid medications and keep your body conditioned.

6. Exercise, and even simple low-impact movement, will make muscles less stiff, increase your range of motion and help you reduce the risk of heart disease.

7. Exercise may boost your mental health, making it easier to cope with the stress of life and potentially improving mood and self-esteem. In addition, exercise can reduce fatigue.

Join our team to get healthier beyond lupus today!
ask me how! #lupusincolor

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Lupus Healing

Healing from lupus isn’t linear. It will take you through many paths to get you to a place of some sort of comfort beyond lupus. #lupusincolor #EDUCATE #inspire #encourage #empower

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Lupus Holiday Recovery

The whirlwind of the holidays is finally over. Take some time to recover.

Lupus In Color Holiday Recovery:

1. Rest-Get some sleep: Make moments today to relax and just be. Your body needs it.
2. Make time to meditate: Take 5 minutes out of your day to just sit still and breathe. You deserve still moments to recharge.
https://3.Take a short walk: bundle up and take a short walk and enjoy the fresh air. The walk will help you relax some.
4. Write in your journal: Sit down and write out your feelings from the holiday. Get all the good and bad out of your mind and onto paper. It's a form of great release.
5. Set boundaries: just say no if you need to. Dont feel like you have to say yes to https://everything.You can say no and not feel guilty.
6. Drink some hot tea: Grab a spot of tea and just enjoy the relaxation it brings. Allow the warmth to soothe you.
7. Read a good book: Take some time to read a book that you've wanted to read. Take your time to get into the fantasy of your imagination.

Make it a restful day. Try to limit your stress and practice some self care. Your body, mind and spirit will thank you. #EDUCATE #inspire #encourage #empower #lupusincolor

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Lupus Holoday Recovery

The whirlwind of the holidays is finally over. Take some time to recover.

Lupus In Color Holiday Recovery:

1. Rest-Get some sleep: Make moments today to relax and just be. Your body needs it.
2. Make time to meditate: Take 5 minutes out of your day to just sit still and breathe. You deserve still moments to recharge.
https://3.Take a short walk: bundle up and take a short walk and enjoy the fresh air. The walk will help you relax some.
4. Write in your journal: Sit down and write out your feelings from the holiday. Get all the good and bad out of your mind and onto paper. It's a form of great release.
5. Set boundaries: just say no if you need to. Dont feel like you have to say yes to https://everything.You can say no and not feel guilty.
6. Drink some hot tea: Grab a spot of tea and just enjoy the relaxation it brings. Allow the warmth to soothe you.
7. Read a good book: Take some time to read a book that you've wanted to read. Take your time to get into the fantasy of your imagination.

Make it a restful day. Try to limit your stress and practice some self care. Your body, mind and spirit will thank you.
#inspire #encourage #empower #lupusincolor

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Help get Lupus recognised for help and support #SystemicLupusErythematosus #InvisibleDisabilityProject #lupussupport #LupusAwarenessMonth #LupusDiagnosis #lupusfighter #LupusWarriors #ChronicIllness #lupusincolor


Today I met with Local MP Dr Mike Freelander.

He helped to get MS recognised under NDIS and Centerlink. And now has agreed to help get Lupus Recognised.

I need your help!

We need as many Warriors as we can to tell their stories and request the government of Australia to recognise the need for support and funding to help us get the help and treatment we need in the form of Centerlink support NDIS support, and Medicare supports.

If you are interested please let me know! I will give you the details of where to send the emails/ letters to.



Self Love Beyond LUPUS Day 20

30 Days of Self Love Beyond Lupus Day 20 Today, use the power of the word NO. Say no to something that you know you just can’t do and be okay with it. You will feel empowered and inspired since you really thought of yourself before anything else. #lupusincolor #selflovebeyondlupus


Speak Power

As you beat lupus daily, stop telling yourself that things are easier said than done. Stop conditioning your mind with doubt when you prove how strong you are day to day. Speak power and encouragement into your life daily as you beat lupus. it makes a big difference in your spirit and will to fight! #lupusincolor


30 Days of Self Love Beyond Lupus #lupusincolor

30 Days of Self Love Beyond Lupus Day 13 Today, repeat the following statement 50 times out loud to yourself, “I am a beautiful strong resilient warrior that is beating lupus daily!” The way we talk to ourselves through this battle makes a difference in how we love on ourselves as we battle. #lupusincolor #selflovebeyondlupus


You Prove It

People love to believe they can save you from lupus that they have the cure. That they can somehow pray it away. They often tell you that you haven't prayed enough, that you didn't believe in miracles and that's why you aren't healed. They claim full healing that other people they know with lupus have had and say you need to follow what they did, even though they still have issues they have never told them about. They say you’re not eating right and if you just exercised more you would be better. They tell you to have faith and remember at least it’s not cancer. Every now and again they’ll ask you what did you do to create this thing and that maybe the sins of your ancestors are inflicted on you like you deserve to bear it all. You’ll sit and nod and smile and act like it doesn’t bother you. Later you will retreat to a corner in your home, most likely the bathroom in the shower, and cry it all out until the tears run dry. The next day you'll get up and move beyond the pain and start your living beyond and it’s pain once again. What they said to you yesterday won't matter because you know that you did not cause this yourself, it was not created in you because of the sins of your forefathers, it's not because of how you eat, it's something very complicated that you have to deal with daily without any breaks from the pain or mental struggle in your fight. What they say won't matter because you know you are stronger than anything can put you through and you prove it day in and day out. #lupusincolor


Keep Pushing

Sometimes when people see you living your life they don't realize that you are pushing through the issues of lupus, that they never see. They look at you and think you are okay; When in fact, if you didn't push through you know you would never be able to live a good life staying sad and depressed in your symptoms. Although lupus is difficult, there is something about pushing through when you thought you could do no more. You have to live and many won't ever understand how you can look so good while the war is raging in your body. Keep living, keep pushing, rest when you must because it's beautiful living life beyond . #lupusincolor #LifeBeyondLupus

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