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Lupus life struggles, I need some advice please!

I was finally diagnosed with Lupus Nephritis last year after many hurdles and struggles so I am FINALLY on the medications I need to help my kidneys improve, including prednisone but now I'm dealing with some side effects from prednisone that I find difficult to manage. if anyone has any suggestions at all for the problems below, I'd really appreciate any help at all!!!

I love to do my make up and hair but my skin has become very greasy and sensitive so I struggle to use foundation of any kind and it never lasts!

My hair is very hard to manage due to being extremely greasy no matter how much I wash it or the products I use. I'm also missing all the hair on the top of my head.

I usually like to dress nice when I have the energy, but I have severe weight fluctuations and swelling, I don't always have the resources to go buy new clothes with every change. #Lupus #LupusNephritis #ChronicIllness #lupuslife #prednisonesideeffects #medicationsideeffects #chronicillnesslife #weightgain #physicalchange #adviseplease #adviseme #Advice

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