Hungry #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #CPTSD #PTSD #MotherWound #CatholicChurch
I want to cry so much bc my Mother doesn't embrace her motherhood. She chooses to seek the embrace of men who don't fully embrace her. My sister and I seek our Mother's love but she is too blind to see the treasures God has granted her. I want to cry so much, my head hurts, there's lots of tension on my neck and head, it's just not fair that she doesn't see the gift that my sister and I are to her. How can you not see the gift of your children's love? How can you not see the hunger for love your daughter's are dying for? Depression and anxiety are the wounds my Mother has allowed to develop within us. This is a tough battle. Oh Jesus, heal us. Be our everything. Be my Father. Come, take care of us. Caress our hearts. We yearn to feel your love and protection. I want to hear your voice and see your face. Do not hide from us. Come and transform these hearts of ours that yearn for love. Great Lover, Redeemer, Constant Lover of me and my Sister, please help us feel your mighty hand that heals, that loves, that shows kindness, that provides for our every need. I want you. I need you. I can't do this without you. Show your beloved face to me. Do not let us hunger for so long.