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#PTSD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #MajorDepressiveDisorder #SocialAnxiety Talking.

Hello, I've been struggling this past week with family and financial issues. I got into a heated argument with my ex mil. She told my daughter about some gossiping about me in the neighborhood, on top of that she told her that no one in the family wanted my ex husband to marry me, and he cried for weeks to get their approval.
And that she was right since the beginning because I turned to be a nightmare for him. Also telling her that he had no choice but to cheat on me, because I am damaged goods. She also said that her and my ex sil were the ones who suffered the most for his cheating.
Because I decided to move on with my life, she was teasing my daughter with " Are you calling your mom's boyfriend dad?" So this was a mess, I confronted her and she said that everything was true and she was just stating the facts. I hate crying and I hate asking for help, especially because it's hard for me to become vulnerable in front of other people. So I asked the guy I'm dating and he just told me that it was just drama and didn't allow me to continue talking.
Last night, we talked and I told him that I'm not ready for anything at this point, so I left him. I realized that I just need to vent, I need to have a conversation or at least talk. I can't write for a long time because with hand starts cramping, so I came up with an idea, whenever I need to vent or I'm upset or hurting, I record a voice note of myself and I let everything out. So far I feel more at ease.
Thank you for reading my post.
#Salvadoran #MyJourney #MightyTogether

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#PTSD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #MajorDepressiveDisorder #SocialAnxiety I need guidance, please!!!

Hello, tomorrow it's my first day at my new job. I'm supposed to be happy and excited, but there's something bothering me. My ex husband, ex mistress works there. To put everything in context, they both made my life a living hell, now she has created this sweet, relatable, epilepsy survivor persona and everyone adores her. I don't have a problem with that, I just want to work!!! But everybody tells me not to go. I have tried to kill myself 4 times this year, and even my daughter is afraid that I'm too fragile to face her.
My thoughts are that I have done nothing wrong, I just need to make a living for me and my daughter. But even my estranged dad told me not to go.
I just don't know what to do anymore.
#Salvadoran #MyJourney #MentalHealth

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#MajorDepressiveDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #SocialAnxiety #PTSD Suicide Attempt

I lost my job on Tuesday, my boss called me stupid and useless. I made my first sale but he was really negative, I was nervous and I didn't know what to do, I went blank so he helped me to finish my sale. Earlier that day my ex told me that he can't stand working to support me and my daughter. I was so stressed, I called my dad for help, and he lectured me about me about me being an alcoholic and an addict, which I'm not, there's one cousin spreading false things about me.
So I lost it, I told my daughter that I was gonna take a nap, I took 30 Lorazepam and 30 Rivotril. Locked my door and took some other stuff that I can't recall.
I woke up by my ex trying to take my to the hospital. I refused, I knew it didn't work, I was upset and disappointed.
Am I so useless that I can't even kill myself????
#Salvadoran #MyJourney #MentalHealth

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I have no family #PTSD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #SocialAnxiety #MajorDepressiveDisorder

I haven't tell anyone this, I live in El Salvador and all my family is either in United States or Canada. The last one to leave was my father, he was the love of my life, I wanted him to be proud of me, I was a nerd and won lots of competitions when I was a teenager. I'm a failure now, I had made so many mistakes that my entire family hates me. When he left, we didn't say goodbye, and as soon as he got there he became estranged, no calls, just the repetitive messages whenever I text him. I know that I have done so many wrong things in my life. So I'm an outcast, I have no one to go to, my mother was abusive since I was a little girl. I realized how lonely I am, because a friend just got out of jail and his family loves him so much and they were so happy to see him.
I've never been in jail, but I'm always sick.
My dad and my sister say that I'm faking my mental issues, my daughter's health conditions and that I am the worst.
I hate weekends... They just remind me when I used to be happy with my dad and my sister...Now they both hate me.
#Salvadoran #MyJourney #MentalHealth

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#PTSD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #MajorDepressiveDisorder #SocialAnxiety News! 🙏

I'm happy today, regardless that I'm going through withdrawal because the hospital does not have Clonazepam, and they just gave me Lorazepam. Regardless of being shakey and feeling my heart running like crazy... Regardless of the headaches and all that crap that I'm going through.
I got a job, it's from home and it's an office based in the US. So I will be able to stay close by my daughter and also I won't have to deal with people or traffic.
So excited!!!!

#Salvadoran #MyJourney #MightyTogether

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#PTSD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #MajorDepressiveDisorder #SocialAnxiety Another Saturday

I've been feeling just off, but ok overall. I haven't been able to sleep well, normally I go to bed at 10 or 11 pm, now I'm going at 3am. My meds are not helping me, I might go to psychiatrist tomorrow, hoping I can get different meds. Today I snapped, something my ex husband said just triggered bad memories and I burst in tears, I just can't stop. I did my breathing exercises and read something, I even took a shower but nothing seems to help.
#Salvadoran #MyJourney #MightyTogether

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#PTSD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #MajorDepressiveDisorder #SocialAnxiety Hi!

After my last post I was just wandering and reading post from others and feeling off. I just recently discovered that odours trigger really bad emotions. So I just stay in my bedroom and put some VapoRub on my nose. I lost my job, because I was about to start crying any minute for no apparent reason, I was so sensitive and my supervisor saw me as a person with attitude issues. That's fine, I don't feel like a victim here, I 'm already job hunting and I feel positive. My daughter is turning 18 tomorrow, and I'm excited because I will finally start my divorce process, tomorrow I'm also taking my cat to be neutered and that's a relief. I'm not feeling particularly good or bad, just off.
I hope all of you are having a better time.
Please take care and seek for help if you need to.
#Salvadoran #MightyTogether #MyJourney

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#PTSD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #MajorDepressiveDisorder #SocialAnxiety Rough Days

Sometimes my BPD makes me want run away. I've been crying non stop since early today, my eyes are swollen, I have an awful headache and I just want to stop going to work. I know that is the anxiety talking but please!!!!! I want to be able to feel happiness not just sorrow. I'm tired of being miserable, I'm so done with all these symptoms and hallucinations. I wish , I could be a better mom, a better employee, a better daughter and a better sister. Everything in my life is a tragedy.
I want this to be over!!!! I want a magical pill that can fix me for good! Today I'm a mess. Not feeling mighty, but I want to.
I needed to vent...Good night.
#Salvadoran #MyJourney #MightyTogether

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#PTSD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #MajorDepressiveDisorder #SocialAnxiety Bad days.

I just had a terrible day, since I just started to work I needed money for some paperwork. So I had to ask my dad, but he said no, and I know he doesn't have to b cause I'm an adult, then I asked my sister, she gave a lecture about lots of things and then said no...Fine, I get it. For some reason on my way home I started feeling sick( nauseated and with a terrible migraine) As soon as I got home, I burst in tears, I got a crisis. I couldn't breathe or to talk I was just crying and crying. I went to the shower and took my meds. Today I woke up feeling miserable, so I decided to go to the ER, the doctor was nice and got me an Olanzapine shot, so I can calm down after that they got me in observation for a few hours. They got me my meds for this month and discharged me. However I still cannot shake the feeling of my mind, no matter how hard I try to distract myself I feel on the edge, weird and I'm trembling.
#Salvadoran #MyJourney #MightyTogether

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#PTSD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #MajorDepressiveDisorder #SocialAnxiety Rough Week

Last Saturday I went for a tooth extraction, I had been dragging it for almost a year, what I didn't know is that there was a terrible infection. I had it pulled and the doctor prescribed some antibiotics and pain killers, I was not having that much pain or anything out of the ordinary, but I started to feel pain in my sinuses, and as the days passed it became unbearable. I couldn't even open eyes , still I did go to work because I didn't want to lose it. On Wednesday my daughter took me to the ER, my blood pressure was high and I pulse was erratic .
The doctor looked at me and asked if I have been on a traumatic event, I told him that I had my tooth pulled and that was it. He explained to me that the extraction might have damaged a nerve close my sinuses or maybe the infection got this far and when the tooth was removed the infection got there. I stayed there for a few minutes and he sent me to get an IV because I seem dehydrated and gave me pain medications. I went home and started the new course of antibiotics, the pain is almost gone and look less swollen.
My daughter was scared and upset, and she told me: " Mom, please this time you have to put yourself first" That really touched me. The week is almost over and I can't believe I went through all this things without even thinking I was in such danger.

Thank you for reading. #Salvadoran #MyJourney #MightyTogether

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