To be honest I get overly excited when talking about journaling. Simply because of the tremendous impact it had on my life. I wrote my first journal page in a clinic because I tried to kill myself the day before. And ever since then I never tried to kill myself again. Honestly, I didn't even think about it. Not because life stopped throwing shit at me. Not because everything got fluffy and super comfortable from thereon. No! Just because I had someone to talk to. Someone I could express my deepest fears and most hurtful memories with.

For someone who never tried journaling, I might sound like a crazy person. Talking about some paper like a person. But trust me on this one. I'm doing this for almost four years now. Your journal can listen to you better than most humans can. You learn more about yourself by writing than anywhere else.

For someone who tried to start journaling and gave up, I have a brilliant solution. There is one foolproof method to start journaling. I've seen it work on many people. Including close friends and family. You can read about it in my blog:



#PTSD #BipolarDepression #Abuse #MentalHealth #Journaling #CopingWithAnxiety #narcissticpersonality #Suicide #dissociativedisorders