I have migraines and have had them the majority of my life. Being female they came during my moon cycle each month, but they also showed up when I was stressed, hungry, irritated or upset.
Now that I’m older, they show up when I’m tired of reading small print and when it’s too bright outside.
But they still show up when I’m stressed, upset, irritated or hungry.
I have tried all kinds of things like staying in a dark room, putting warm or cold compresses on my eyes and back of my head or neck, eating, hot showers, hot tub soaks, natural hot spring soaks, napping, light block curtains to noise reduction headphones. I preferred not to take Tylenol or Ibuprophen as I really want to save my liver. Everything I’ve read about pain killers is that they damage your stomach and liver over time.
I recently was reading an article in ADDitide about natural supplements. In the article there was a lot of talk about different supplements like Omega 3’s helping attention span for ADHD or ADD children or adults, but there was one part that mentioned taking magnesium to help with migraines. This prompted my thoughts and this post.
I use a lot of natural supplements for other purposes like for my asthma, I not only take my prescribed steroid inhaler but supplement with Astralagus Root. For upset stomach, I enjoy Ginger tea or Kota (Navajo Tea).
Now with my PTSD and Anxiety, I take Full Spectrum Ashwaghanda Root. I also take Hyland’s Nerve Tonic. These work wonderfully for me.
But I know natural supplements are not for everyone. I do utilize many prescriptions but mostly for my bad cholesterol levels, asthma and diabetes.

Has anyone every tried natural supplements for your migraines? If so, which ones have you tried, and does it help?

I was also wondering, what do you do when you get a migraine?

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. I’m curious. I don’t like migraines. They inhibit me from fully engaging with life.

#chronicmigraines #Migraines #naturalsupplements
#PTSD #MentalHealth
#Anxiety #ADHD