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Guilty for spending

I spent a lot of money on unwanted things and did not feel guilty while doing it i thought i shall suicide or run away if someone comes and asks but now the scene is different i am stuck now for spending those money and have no one to support me and no job as well and have to see how to overcome and have not learned much skills either need to work on building skills and get a job now #Panicmode #Bipolar #Compulsivespending

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I need help and advice.Does anyone else do this? What do you do when situations make you want to hide? Do I disassociate when someone gets mad at me?

Does anyone else with Borderline shut down and go into people pleasing mode, whenever someone older or viewed as an athority over yourself is stern or becomes cross with you? I’m new to learning my triggers and DBT. My counselor is out on medical leave for the month so I’m on my own attempting to identify my emotions. I am not sure what I’m feeling right now. It’s like a mixture of shame and fear. Is that even possible to have comorbid emotions like this. Whenever someone whom I view as an elder or person of authority is stern or angry with me I shut down. I freeze like a deer in headlights. I retreat and go into a form of auto pilot. Like I do and say whatever is wanted regardless of validity or honesty in my words and/or actions there after. For the duration in the remaining interaction with that individual. It’s like I panic in a way. So, I start jumping through the hoops of whatever it is that person wants or needs from me so they will no longer be aggressive or angry with me. Does anybody else do this? If so, what tools do you use that keep you from exhibiting these childish behaviors of wanting to hide from the scary monster in your blanket fort when someone viewed as more adult than yourself gets mad or stern with you? #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #whydoidothis #Panicmode #DissociativeIdentityDisorder

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It's in the details #ADHD #Depression

Sometimes your mind just takes a snapshot of a moment. You're not realising what you see.
And later, when you take a moment to look at your mind's snapshot you notice a detail, a moment of a moment which can set you off in panic mode. Did I really do that, say that, see that.
Remember your mind has 'a mind of it's own'. It's been done, said, seen. If no bombs went off, if nobody is angry or sad... It's just your mind playing tricks with you.
Remember that 💕
#Depression #Panicmode #panic


not sure what is wrong /mental break down

I feel like I have not had many issues with myself in my life I’m still young I’m 23 and this is my first time feeling so much discomfort mentally. I always try to remain positive and find the positivity and the good in everything but now I feel like that has been to keep me ok from some mental condition I may have to force myself to be productive. I have been having a super hard time keeping jobs lately and that is making me feel like maybe I am lazy and I’m wondering why I can’t be normal and go to work. I feel my heart racing at work and I leave before I pass out or do anything embarrassing like that. I also have racing thoughts and a lot of the time it’s about what I need to care of in my life or what. I’m struggling with in life almost constantly. I am stressed at home but very stressed at work and now very depressed because I’ve missed a lot of days and scared to go back but I have bills and things so I need to go and I’ve been sleep most of the day or smoking marry J to cope. #depressed #Panicmode