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Monday Mood Booster

Since we all liked the kitty content from a few weeks ago, I figured I provide the #mightycommunity with more #Positivity 😻 My cat has been such a good work buddy, she loves it when I’m home! Have a great week and stay safe! #COVID19 #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #PDDNOS #Autism

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Did anyone else do the spark study #Autism #Autism

You are eligible if you and/or #and /or a close family member has #AutismSpectrumDisorder #AutismSpectrumDisorders and you go to the website sparkforautism.org and hit join and kits will come and each registered person spits it their tube and you send it in the same box and get gift cards for amazon or another selection website you usually get a total of $50 per person you register and you are told what findings you have #Wearespark #Sparkforautism #Aspergers #Aspergers #HansAsperger #AspergersSyndrome #PDDNOS #PersistentDepressiveDisorderDysthymia #Autism #Autism #AutismSpectrumDisorders #AutismSpectrumDisorder it is just to find the genetics of autism it is not to find a cure and
individuals with autism, and their cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, and their parents are eligible as well as if they have their own kid if the person can’t or has trouble spitting you get sponges that look like qtips to collect the saliva

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