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Feeling hopeful #hopeful #AddictionRecovery #MentalHealth #Wednesday #peeradvocate

Day 3 on my job. Hoping today will be alittle busier. Just trying to get into this new routine of working. I'm not placing any expectations on me this time and I am reminding myself to be gentle. This is a big change in my life which I deserve, however I don't want to over do it either. Just blessed that I am in recovery today, and given a chance to give back to others struggling. Here's to a great Wednesday!

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is JasonCRPA. I'm a Peer Advocate at a not for profit recovery community and outreach center. I advocate for people with mental health and substance use disorder. I write for an online publication call the Sober Curator and I have a personal blog about my own personal mental health and recovery journey. Nice to meet you all.

#MightyTogether #Depression #Recovery #SOBER #MentalHealth #selfcare #peeradvocate

If It Hurts, It Helps.

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