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5 weeks left
Taking care of my family and/or kids
Running a household (cleaning/cooking/errands)
Managing my health care
Managing someone else's health care
Managing finances
Other (share in the comments!)
7 reactions1 comment

Feel free to use the comments below to elaborate, share, and reflect about how you’re doing today. ✍️

Select all that apply
7 days left
💚 Green: Open-minded, creative, reflective
🟣 Purple: Empathetic, caring
💙 Blue: Calm, relaxed, confident
🔴 Red: Anxious, alert, concerned, worried
🖤 Black: Bored, annoyed, restless
🟠 Orange: Stressed, overwhelmed
💛 Yellow: Depressed, unhappy, melancholy
🟤 Brown: Tired, exhausted, drained
🤍 White: Not sure if I can put my mood into words.
🌈 Rainbow: Other (share in the comments!)
7 reactions

Feel free to use the comments below to elaborate, share, and reflect about how you’re doing today. ✍️

Select all that apply
6 days left
💙 Blue: Calm, relaxed, confident
🟣 Purple: Empathetic, caring
💚 Green: Open-minded, creative, reflective
🟡 Yellow: Depressed, unhappy, melancholy
❤️ Red: Anxious, alert, concerned, worried
⚫ Black: Bored, annoyed, restless
🤎 Brown: Tired, exhausted, drained
🟠 Orange: Stressed, overwhelmed
🤍 White: Not sure if I can put my mood into words.
🌈 Rainbow: Other (share in the comments!)
10 reactions

Feel free to use the comments below to elaborate, share, and reflect about how you’re doing today. ✍️

Select all that apply
3 days left
💜 Purple: Empathetic, caring
🟢 Green: Open-minded, creative, reflective
💙 Blue: Calm, relaxed, confident
🟡 Yellow: Depressed, unhappy, melancholy
❤️ Red: Anxious, alert, concerned, worried
⚫ Black: Bored, annoyed, restless
🧡 Orange: Stressed, overwhelmed
🟤 Brown: Tired, exhausted, drained
🤍 White: Not sure if I can put my mood into words.
🌈 Rainbow: Other (share in the comments!)
26 reactions

Feel free to use the comments below to elaborate, share, and reflect about how you’re doing today. ✍️

Select all that apply
2 days left
💚 Green: Open-minded, creative, reflective
🟣 Purple: Empathetic, caring
💙 Blue: Calm, relaxed, confident
🟤 Brown: Tired, exhausted, drained
💛 Yellow: Depressed, unhappy, melancholy
🟠 Orange: Stressed, overwhelmed
❤️ Red: Anxious, alert, concerned, worried
⚫ Black: Bored, annoyed, restless
🤍 White: Not sure if I can put my mood into words.
🌈 Rainbow: Other (share in the comments!)
26 reactions4 comments

Feel free to use the comments below to elaborate, share, and reflect about how you’re doing today. ✍️

Select all that apply
22 hours left
💙 Blue: Calm, relaxed, confident
🟢 Green: Open-minded, creative, reflective
💜 Purple: Empathetic, caring
🟠 Orange: Stressed, overwhelmed
💛 Yellow: Depressed, unhappy, melancholy
🟤 Brown: Tired, exhausted, drained
❤️ Red: Anxious, alert, concerned, worried
⚫ Black: Bored, annoyed, restless
🤍 White: Not sure if I can put my mood into words.
🌈 Rainbow: Other (share in the comments!)
24 reactions1 comment

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4 weeks left
I pride myself on my vulnerability.
I’m comfortable with being vulnerable.
I’m vulnerable around certain people.
Not at all, I keep everything inside.
20 reactions

Feel free to use the comments below to elaborate, share, and reflect about how you’re doing today. ✍️

6% ●
💜 Purple: Empathetic, caring
9% ●
🟢 Green: Open-minded, creative, reflective
9% ●
💙 Blue: Calm, relaxed, confident
6% ●
⚫ Black: Bored, annoyed, restless
14% ●
💛 Yellow: Depressed, unhappy, melancholy
14% ●
🟤 Brown: Tired, exhausted, drained
17% ●
❤️ Red: Anxious, alert, concerned, worried
14% ●
🟠 Orange: Stressed, overwhelmed
9% ●
🤍 White: Not sure if I can put my mood into words.
4% ●
🌈 Rainbow: Other (share in the comments!)
81 votes
81 votes32 reactions5 comments

Feel free to use the comments below to elaborate, share, and reflect about how you’re doing today. ✍️

9% ●
💚 Green: Open-minded, creative, reflective
11% ●
🔵 Blue: Calm, relaxed, confident
7% ●
💜 Purple: Empathetic, caring
12% ●
🟡 Yellow: Depressed, unhappy, melancholy
5% ●
🖤 Black: Bored, annoyed, restless
22% ●
🟤 Brown: Tired, exhausted, drained
11% ●
🧡 Orange: Stressed, overwhelmed
21% ●
🔴 Red: Anxious, alert, concerned, worried
3% ●
🤍 White: Not sure if I can put my mood into words.
0% ●
🌈 Rainbow: Other (share in the comments!)
76 votes
76 votes24 reactions1 comment

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3 weeks left
Hot drinks for me! ☕
Cold drinks are my preference. 🥤
It depends on the day and how I'm feeling. 🤔
36 reactions5 comments