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Have a second? Take this 3-step mindful moment with me!

When you come across this post, I invite you to take this 3-step mindful moment with me:

Step 1: Pause what you are doing and take three deep breaths. Count for two seconds as you inhale and two seconds as you exhale.

Step 2: Note how your body is feeling and what types of self-care you need to prioritize today.

Step 3: Set one positive intention or goal for the rest of your week.

Note: Feel free to share your notes, reflections, goals, and intentions in the comments below. 💌

Here are my notes and intentions:

Today, I definitely need to prioritize my emotional well-being and take a break from social media. I also want to take myself on a date, especially since I've been overthinking and having trouble sleeping.

My intention for the rest of the week is to show myself more love and do something that excites me.

⭐️ Bonus: If you haven't seen already, I have a new group Mighty Mood Tracking where you can track you mood and reflect on how you're feeling! Check it out if you would like. 😊

#MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #CheckInWithMe #Fibromyalgia #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #PTSD #BipolarDisorder #Disability #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #CheerMeOn #DistractMe #ThePencilCase

Mighty Mood Tracking | An Online Health Community

Are you interested in tracking your mood, reflecting on your feelings, and connecting with others who are doing the same? Then our Mighty Mood Tracking is the group for you! Each day a poll will be shared where you can select the color that best represents your mood. You can also use the comments section of the poll to write a brief check-in about how you’re feeling. There’s evidence that tracking your emotions can have a positive impact on mental health outcomes, so we’re excited to provide a safe space for us all to do so together!
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Share a moment where you experienced relief.

Hi Mighties! 🌟

I'll be honest 😔, I haven't been feeling the greatest. Navigating life has been weighing on me and I would really like to catch a break. I haven't written anything in a long time, so I'd like to reflect with my Pencil Case fam today 🩷.

For our reflection, let's explore the moments where we've experienced relief (even if only temporarily). What does relief feel like to you? What makes those moments important?

For me, I've experienced relief when I don't have as many responsibilities and I can sit in my room and relax. Knowing I can prioritize my self-care helps me to feel more free in myself.

Share your moments below 💌!

#MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #CheckInWithMe #Fibromyalgia #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #PTSD #BipolarDisorder #Disability #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #CheerMeOn #ThePencilCase

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How do seasonal changes affect your health?

Whether it's the transition from fall to winter, winter to spring, or spring to summer, the changes in seasons seem to always affect me in different ways 🤔. I definitely notice a change in my mood, thoughts, and motivation for sure. I even notice sometimes I have a persistent low mood in the hotter months sometimes too, but I'm more inclined to go outside for a walk.

What are your thoughts and experiences? How do the seasons affect you and your mental and/or physical health?

#MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #CheckInWithMe #Fibromyalgia #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #PTSD #BipolarDisorder #Disability #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #CheerMeOn #ThePencilCase

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Finish this sentence: Instead of ________ I choose to _______ this week.

Oh my goodness, Pencil Case fam! I've had so many shifts and changes in my life this year already 😅. Honestly, I can barely keep up with it all. Despite all the changes, though, I still want to set intentional time to prioritize myself, my goals, and my needs.

For this week's reflection let's think about things we can do differently that may benefit us. What behaviors, habits, or routines do you want to change or improve?

I'll go first!
Instead of scrolling on social media for a few hours every day, I choose to read and watch my comfort shows this week.

What about you?

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Encouragement Rest Stop: Write an encouraging message in the comments below.

Write an encouraging message in the comments below for someone who may need it this week ⭐.

I’ll go first!

It’s OK if all you do is exist today. Take as much time as you need for yourself. You are important and deserve to do what’s best for you.

Need help thinking of a message to share? Drop a favorite quote, affirmation, song verse, or positive coping strategy instead. 💌

#MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #CheckInWithMe #Fibromyalgia #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #PTSD #BipolarDisorder
#Disability #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #CheerMeOn #DistractMe #ThePencilCase

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If you created your own "Happy New Year" holiday card, what message or gift would you add inside of it?

I'll go first!

I would write the message, "Congratulations, you've successfully passed to the next level!" and add a gift card with an unlimited amount of hugs in it 🥹🥳.

#CheerMeOn #DistractMe #ThePencilCase #MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #CheckInWithMe

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Dear 2023...

Let’s write farewell letters to 2023 this week. In your letters you can add things you’ve learned, things you want to let go of and move on from, important events that happened, how you want to move forward, or how your health has impacted you. Write whatever feels good!

Here’s my letter:

Dear 2023,

A lot has happened this year. I’ve felt so much grief, sadness, and confusion. I’ve experienced new symptoms and felt the weight of the world on my shoulders — some days it was even too heavy to carry by myself. I’ve had moments where I gave my best and didn’t feel like it was enough, or that I wasn’t worthy of the companionship, friendships, relationships, or the love I was craving. I’ve been really tired.

2023, I’ve extended myself and my love to so many people that I saw were suffering around the world. I still hold them deep in my heart.

I’ve had conversations and listened to stories that’s opened my perspective and learned new things from others.

Moving forward, 2023, I want to be more confident in myself, in my voice, my talents, and my skills. I don’t want to hide when I feel afraid because in the past that made me feel safe. I want to continue to advocate and show others that it’s OK not to be OK and there are people who care about them… like me! I want to be kinder to myself because I deserve kindness, and be gentler with myself because I deserve gentleness. I want to continue to listen to the stories of others and grow in awareness of what they experience. (If you’re reading this, your voice matters!)

I also want to thank the people who have helped me get through this year like my therapist, my mom, sister, NAMI-NYC fam, favorite Mighty boss lady @xokat fellow kind soul and community teammate @skyeg plus all of you reading this right now. Any kind word or positive energy sent was received and greatly appreciated.

Farewell 2023.

It’s been a roller coaster,
Nina aka SparklyWarTanks

#MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #CheckInWithMe #Fibromyalgia #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #PTSD #BipolarDisorder #Disability #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #CheerMeOn #ThePencilCase

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What’s something you want to practice more moving forward?

As the year winds down, I find myself reflecting on what I want to focus on — especially in terms of the relationship I have with myself. One of the things I want to intentionally practice is having more patience and love for myself. I notice that when I think too deeply or for too long about the expectations I have, I tend to be very self-critical which leaves me feeling stuck. I want to learn how to show myself more grace when I’m faced with uncomfortable or uncontrollable circumstances.

What about you? What’s something you want to practice more that’ll be helpful for you?

#MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #CheckInWithMe #Fibromyalgia #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #PTSD #BipolarDisorder #Disability #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #CheerMeOn #ThePencilCase

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What’s keeping you going right now?

With all that’s happening in the world and with all the challenges we are faced with (holiday depression, anyone?), I want to say I’m super proud of each and every one of you (including myself 🙂) , for not only pushing through on a daily basis but also for being an important voice in our very Mighty community 💌.

Today, let’s share what’s keeping us going! Hope is healing, right?

I’ll go first!

My family and my passion to continue sharing my story are what’s keeping me going right now.

#MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #CheckInWithMe #Fibromyalgia #BorderlinePersonalityDisorderBPD #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #PTSD #BipolarDisorder #Disability #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #CheerMeOn #ThePencilCase

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What’s a challenge you’re working to overcome?

Pencil Case fam, let’s talk a bit about some challenges we’re being faced with and the ways we are managing, navigating, and/or overcoming them (whatever that looks like!).

A challenge I’m working to overcome is motivating myself to be more active, go out, and open myself up to new opportunities. A theme I’ve noticed this year overall in terms of my self-care and growth is gaining enough confidence in myself to do things out of my comfort zone. I know that I have some fears of the unknown, so I’m being patient with myself as I explore new and different possibilities.

What about you?

#MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #CheckInWithMe #Fibromyalgia #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #PTSD #BipolarDisorder #Disability #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #CheerMeOn #ThePencilCase

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