Have a second? Take this 3-step mindful moment with me!
When you come across this post, I invite you to take this 3-step mindful moment with me:
Step 1: Pause what you are doing and take three deep breaths. Count for two seconds as you inhale and two seconds as you exhale.
Step 2: Note how your body is feeling and what types of self-care you need to prioritize today.
Step 3: Set one positive intention or goal for the rest of your week.
Note: Feel free to share your notes, reflections, goals, and intentions in the comments below. 💌
Here are my notes and intentions:
Today, I definitely need to prioritize my emotional well-being and take a break from social media. I also want to take myself on a date, especially since I've been overthinking and having trouble sleeping.
My intention for the rest of the week is to show myself more love and do something that excites me.
⭐️ Bonus: If you haven't seen already, I have a new group Mighty Mood Tracking where you can track you mood and reflect on how you're feeling! Check it out if you would like. 😊
#MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #CheckInWithMe #Fibromyalgia #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #PTSD #BipolarDisorder #Disability #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #CheerMeOn #DistractMe #ThePencilCase