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28 days left
🌅 Early in the morning
🏞️ Late morning/early afternoon
☀️ Midafternoon
🌇 Late afternoon/early evening
🌆 Late evening
🌃 Nighttime
🛋️ None of the above, you can find me inside
24 reactions4 comments

Fun fact about me: I fangirl over the Olympics (both summer and winter) like other people are tried-and-true Swifties. I love everything about them — the personal stories, the upsets, the competition, the emotions, the outfits. I completely abandon my sleep schedule over each of the games... no regrets. There are 32 sports in all this year. Which ones do you love to watch?

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11 days left
🏊 Swimming
👟 Track and Field
🤿 Diving
🤸 Gymnastics
🛹 Skateboarding
🐴 Equestrian
🚴‍♀️ Cycling
⚽️ Soccer
⛵️ Sailing
🥇 Other (comment below!)
68 reactions15 comments

How do you currently feel?

20% ●
Tired / Sleepy
10% ●
Lonely / Needy
10% ●
5% ●
Angry / Mad
10% ●
I Feel Empty
15% ●
3% ●
I feel sick
12% ●
I'm in pain emotionally
7% ●
7% ●
59 votes
59 votes7 reactions2 comments

How do you use skills to navigate, manage, ride the wave of urges, whenever you are at in your recovery journey? Skillfully onwards together ❤️

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9 days left
self soothing
opposite action
TIPP - which part? please leave in comment section
Improve the moment, (Which parts?)
other? I would love to hear ❤️

Trying new things means discovering a new side to ourselves. What if we try and we’re REALLY good? Then there’s the flip side: putting ourselves out there only to fail. What are your thoughts?

Choose one
20 days left
True, trying new things is how I learn.
False, I really don't like the feeling of failure.
Both, depends on what I'm trying and how I'm feeling.
Neither, I'm not a fan of trying new things.
62 reactions8 comments

I'm new to meditation. Just getting started. Have you tried meditation? If so, please tell me what your experiences have been in the comments. Thank you!

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4 days left
4 reactions3 comments

They were never really my cup of tea even back when they were at their MTV height, but for some reason I’ve watched more than normal lately. (Hi, anxiety! Thanks, YouTube!)

Choose one
19 days left
Yes, for all of my favorite artists
Yes, when I really like a song
Not really, maybe a random one here or there
I used to, but I'm not into them these days
No, I'd rather just listen to a song
38 reactions5 comments

Id love to know your favorite way to rest: physically, emotionally, spiritually, creatively ...

I think seeing how other people rest would be very helpful & give the rest of us some fresh self care ideas!

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2 days left
Bath, Shower with Candles or Music
Painting, Drawing, Journaling
Doing a Hobby (tell us in the comments!)
Meeting up with friends or family
Making a home cooked meal or dessert
122 reactions47 comments

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16 days left
👩‍🦽‍➡️Manual wheelchair
🧑‍🦼‍➡️ Power wheelchair
🚶‍♂️‍➡️ Walker
🛞 Rollator walker
4️⃣ Quad cane
📦 Standard or foldable cane
🩼 Crutches
💪 Forearm crutches
🛴 Mobility scooter
🚫 I've never used a mobility aid
31 reactions9 comments

If none of these resonate with you, feel free to comment with the just-right-for-you affirmation below.

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14 days left
Feelings aren't facts, but they are useful guides.
Who I am not is now who I'll always be.
I will celebrate the moments I feel happy to be alive.
Things can look different in the light of morning.
I don't have to have an opinion on everything.
Self-care and self-awareness are two different things.
Surviving is just as brave as thriving.
Note to self: Words can brighten, bruise, injure, or inspire
Maybe there's a reason it hasn't happened yet.
The right people will find their way back to me.
35 reactions