I have been off and on The Mighty ever since I got diagnosed two years ago. I go through my spurts of absolutely NEEDING to write my thoughts down and then keeping it all in because there’s just too much going on to fathom writing a piece.
A little update for y’all since we last chit chatted, I had my beautiful daughter Peyton Marie on March 25th! So that now makes three... I am definitely a shit show to say the least 😅
But it’s been great, I’m beyond blessed.
But unfortunately some shit has bit me in the ass. Some shit I should have faced head on, in the moment. Some shit that I suppressed to save a relationship.
And it’s hitting me HARD.
Now I was diagnosed with CPTSD long ago from previous things but y’all know you can get CPTSD/PTSD from narcissistic abuse? Hahaha I didn’t... until recently.
After a few mental breakdowns, I’ve decided to stop myself before I got too far into the rabbit hole and I am learning coping mechanisms, how to draw boundaries, demanding respect, learning to love myself, and the biggest thing; learning to forgive.
So I figured what better way to get over my shit than to document the journey? 😅🤷🏻‍♀️

Here goes everything... #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #CPTSD #PTSD #NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder #npd #narcabuse #Healing #roadtopeace