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Always the different one

I've always been the different one in my family. I always had the most responsibility, but I also crashed the hardest when something didn't go the way I wanted it. When I was younger I genuinely didn't understand why I acted and thought the way I did...hell to this day it's sometimes hard to still understand it at times. I have a better reasoning now though. I'm still learning and growing from everything I can get my hands on. My diagnosis was a little more than 9 years ago and like most it was over looked at first. It wasn't until I was open about my self mutilation that I was finally diagnosed. My family runs a long line of various mental health issues, but this I feel by far is the worst one amongst them. You have no idea of ones self, no self-worth,self sabotage,risky behaviors that normal people wouldn't engage in,and a guilty feeling for even existing. I feel like such a burden most the time and the emptiness is so overwhelming it aches to my core. I also suffer from suicidal ideation that are so real that sometimes they scare me and I can literally feel the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I don't want you to think I'm not medicated or in therapy, because I am doing both. They do help ,but my demons are far to powerful most https://days.My wife is the only woman that tolerate the bullshit that embodies me and everything I throw at her. I think I'm always the victim, but I know deep down that I'm a narcissistic asshole most the time. i can only try to better myself and grow from everything. I am a lifer it seems, because it's been this long and there's been no remission. Heaven help, because lord knows I need it!
#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #PersonalityDisorders #AnxietyDisorders #DepressiveDisorders #Bipolar1Disorder #Screwedup #Addictivebehavior #Narcassistic


I don't now what to feel anymore. Thought things were getting better, more stable, only to realize it was only a dream - one that disappears once you "wake up".

Thinking about stopping therapy. Why the f**k not? My world, the one I live everyday, hasn't changed, Feels like it just keeps getting worse. New diagnosis', children talking about physical and emotional abuse from their dad. Living with family that I absolutely HATE. Coming home to rejection time and time again. And

than there is my ex therapist - cannot get over him. Broken record - it's been almost 4 months and I am still upset; mad over the way he broke me, the way he let me down. How will I ever trust anyone again.

10 minutes left to our session and that is when he tells me ; this is our last session together, next week you will be seeing ____. He cannot stay working as a therapist with his new position. There was no anything - one day I'm telling him my issues, the next day he is no longer my therapist.

Trust? not anymore. I have been stepped on, taken advantage of, left to pick myself up. All this for what? Life still sucks, I'm still not happy - and now I've been with this new therapist and we have only talked "surface talk". I am not allowing myself to open up - not after what my entire life has been about.

Trust is not something I give easily. It was hard for me to give; extremely hard. That is why I am giving up my therapy.

Everyone I open up to, to give my trust to - has abandoned me - left me confused, mad, angry and everything thing else that goes with it.

Here is this therapist whom I have given my trust to, opened up to; and he just leaves. To me, it is a selfish thing to do. After working 2 years with me, building up that trust; and then this?

I have lost all trust in people once again. How do I even accept this new therapist; give my trust to again. How can I trust her when she says she will not leave me? Will my other therapist did; so how can I believe you?

I hurt, I cry alone. If it was not for my children, I would NOT be here; honestly and truthfully they are the ONLY ones keeping me here.

Where do I go from here? I'm closed off, short tempered with my children, angry as all angry, not happy - just really want to give in and give up.

#CheckInWithMe #Depression #PTSD #Anxiety #Screwedup #helpme


So, the spouse and I have started couples therapy. This is the third Psych professional I am now seeing. I have one for therapy, one for meds, and now one to keep my relationship afloat. #Screwedup

1 comment

Will I Ever Learn ?!?

Paced my happy a$$ two steps past the line while trying to purge my house of excess clothing. Now just laying here listening to my muscles curse my brain’s need to clean and organize. Pretty sure the muscles are going to impeach the brain if it continues to lead in this way. #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #pacing #Screwedup


Borrowed time

Had a really rough day and I think it stemmed from accidentally getting a diet drink, I am highly allergic to aspartame. So I ended up making a complete ass of myself and fighting with my mom needless to say it was a horrific day I’m fighting demons right now #Screwedup #Anxiety #Depression