Depressive Disorders

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I did get up and made it to the table. It just took until 7:00 tonight. Staying in bed to rest, if needed, is you loving yourself.

#Fibromyalgia #EhlersDanlosSociety #ChronicFatigue #MentalHealth #DepressiveDisorders

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The dark clouds of my depression have returned, casting a shadow over my thoughts and emotions once again.

The weather took an unexpected turn as dark storm clouds rolled in without warning. There were no indications of its arrival, no change in the wind, no shift in the water's currents. It seemed to materialize out of thin air. I attempted to shield myself with an umbrella, but it proved futile, akin to covering myself with fragile rice paper. Before I knew it, I was drenched, and the effects were punishing;my bones, heart, muscles, and even my soul ached. This was a stark contrast to the usual pleasant breeze and intermittent gentle rain. It left me feeling defeated, and I longed for respite from the relentless struggle…

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Prompt Question - 11

What positive affirmations would help me grow?

I can't help but think of this scene in the movie Cool Runnings.

#Anxiety #DepressiveDisorders #BorderlinePersonalityDisorderBPD

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😔The Biggest Smile Can Hide The Greatest Sorrow😔

There is so much stigma around mental health issues, especially amongst men. That is why, this Men’s Mental Health Awareness Week, it’s important to remember that sometimes the biggest smile can hide the greatest sorrow. Similarly to the old saying “you can’t judge a book by its cover”, you can’t judge someone’s mental health based on how they appear - just because someone appears happy on the surface it doesn’t mean that is how they truly feel.

#MentalHealth #Depression #BipolarDepression #MajorDepressiveDisorder #MoodDisorders #PersistentDepressiveDisorder #PostpartumDepression #Selfharm #Suicide #DepressiveDisorders #Grief #Anxiety #MightyTogether #ItsOKMan #Loneliness #OtherMentalHealth

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Vulnerability post 💕🫶

Today is Mother's Day and I had a very hard time keeping my irritability & frustration in check. I couldn't figure out why I was coming off as angry....I didn't *feel* angry... But anger is a secondary emotion.
So, I took some time to figure out what was underneath the anger and found this helpful list.

Do you ever feel angry without being able to tell why?
Did you know anger is a secondary emotion?


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Any “runaways”?

So I am just curious if anyone else out here also runs away from time to time? I’m guessing it’s linked to my Bipolar or maybe one of the other diagnoses I have. Anyway…the first time I ran away and started over was at age 18…I was engaged to my high school sweetheart and about to start college at a university. I just panicked and couldn’t keep on like I was so I broke up with fiancé, moved to a new town and went to a community college where no one knew me. I didn’t tell my parents where I was for like a year. Then at age 27 I ran away from my first husband, got divorced and started a new job in a new town. I became obsessed with my body and lost over 100 lbs and claimed a new identity basically…like who I used to be never existed. Now fast forward to last July (age 39) and I’ve done it again. I resigned from my job and just quit talking to all my work friends and coworkers that I had been with for 12 yrs. It’s like every so often I just need to start over. Throw away everything from the past in order to forget it but it always follows me. I’m envious of my current husband he lives in the same town he was raised in and has life-long friendships still going strong. I wonder if people from my past ever wonder “what ever happened to that one girl we used to know”? #BipolarDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #PTSD #Anxiety #DepressiveDisorders

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Eating habits and depression

I find it really difficult to eat healthy when I'm depressed (which is all the time for the past few years) and it creates a terrible cycle that makes me feel worse.

Some things I'm trying to help myself are:

-Buying frozen vegetables. I often get produce and then lose all my motivation to cook and just watch them slowly go bad in my fridge, which makes me feel guilt

- Using paper plates. I know it might be wasteful but I realized that I would avoid eating meals and just eat random snacks because I didn't want create dirty dishes. Now if only there were paper pots and pans....(jk)

Can you relate to this? What types of things help you?

#MentalHealth #Depression #DepressiveDisorders

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