I know me best...right?
I’m a very quiet and shy person, I have a hard time opening up to people and telling them how I’m feeling, even my family. Sometimes when I open up to my mom, she says things like she knows everything about me and my condition. It’s really frustrating because when I say how I’m feeling it gets thrown out of preparation or does t get recognized at all. I once told her that I was in pain, but she couldn’t see it so she didn’t act like it was a big deal....And no I don’t want “attention” I just want to be validated and understood. I just don’t feel like they really understand what I’m going through because I suppress it and try to hide it, only showing my smiling face around them and telling them I’m just tired. I know this isn’t healthy but it seems better than getting lectured all the time. But who knows me best? Me living with it? Or her k owing everything? 🤔
#Dysautonomia #LivingWithPOTS #POTSLife #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #seizurelikeepisodes #Pain