The behavioral health hospitalization program (Depression Recovery, PHP, IOP) I’ve been attending daily for the last four and a half months just ended today and they gave me a graduation and pinned me!

All of the staff and other patients were there. The starfish they pinned on me has a story. It kinda goes there is a child throwing starfish back into the sea and a woman comes by and asks her why she’s doing that. The girl explains she learned starfish die if out of water for too long so she’s throwing them back in. The woman tells her there are far too many starfish, you’ll never make a difference. She picked up one more and said, “I will with this one.” And throws it back in the sea. Each of the patients and staff told me what I meant to them, what a difference I made in their lives, and what they wished for me. I tried to do the same for them through many tears... And then we ate Affy Tapples. 💗 I did it, guys!!! And if I can, that goes double for you! #CPTSD #PTSD #Depression #Anxiety #ChronicPain #SuicideIdeation #SuicideAttempt #Ididit #Starfish #CheerMeOn #TheMighty