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Conscious Peace and Happiness

It can be very difficult to enduring throughout these "critical times" that cause so much stress, anxiety, depression and mental anguish. If we seek to be faithful to not only ourselves, but for those of us that believe in the Creator, Him first and foremost as well as those whom we love, much effort is required on our part. It can be hard to choose between whether or not we spend that extra change we've made on someone else to help them, or on ourselves to help sedate whatever pains we may be going through. Oftentimes, we don't even have that extra in order to do so. This is why I want to speak on where true happiness comes from and the peace that it comes with it. Whether or not our thoughts and actions reflect love for not only ourselves, but the Oneness of Humanity that we exist amidst can be seen by means of our deeds. It is love for God and fellow human being that will cause us to make sacrifices that involve letting go of things that may be preventing us from being of service to someone else in life. In order for us to be leaders, we must first be servants. Everyone alive has been provided with an inner moral compass and it is up to us how well we train it according to the value system held by the spirit from which we all have been created. Many laws and principles exist, such as the idiom, "Treat others as you would like to be treated", that if we live by, does much to improve our quality of life and that of those who're positively affected by such an integral state of mind.

We must remember that true inner peace and happiness comes from within, and unfortunately, these two qualities are foreign treasures to entirely too many people in these stressful times that we live. These above two mentioned treasures are commonly misplaced with the mistaken guise of material items and pursuits. Tangible things do not bring true peace nor happiness, because if you take them away, then where does your peace and happiness go? Right along with the object, place, person, idea or whatever. True peace and happiness stems from knowing and appreciating our worth, contributing toward the growth of it as well as the growth of others. And giving plays a very big role in defining our happiness and peace. We are all united because we all come from the same two human beings. So, any contribution made toward another is a gift we've given unto ourselves. True happiness can only be found along the path of righteousness. Appreciation for life is developed within the soul anyone who repeatedly does the right thing for an indefinite period of time, and with that appreciation comes the well-earned benefit of being truly happy. A good conscience is birthed and nurtured through kindness, loving, a joyful heart, mild spirit, the will to control self and ultimately, a natural state of tranquility. #nonprofit #grateful #behavioralhealth #MentalHealthAwareness #emotionalhealing #optimisticcharacterdevelopment #dvizionsinspiredexpressions #faithoverfear #livelovelovelife #growthroughthepain #stoptheviolence #openhomestobrokenhomes

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