The truth about me and my mental health
I may not getting many views of my blog, YouTube videos, Twitter, or Instagram. But most are important for me in my management of my mental illness. They give me not only an outlet to advocate, but also a way to get my racing thoughts out there and most important a way to attempt to take back my narrative. So for the past two and a half hours I worked on creating a meaningful blog post about the truth about me. Very few will ever read it, but for me it was a way to deal with my PTSD and trauma not only from my past but also my present. The following link is to my blog.
September 5, 2022: The Truth - Bipolar Tater
#MentalHealth #BipolarDisorder #takebackyournarrative #Suicide #SuicideAwareness #SuicidePrevention #MentalHealthAwareness #Depression #Anxiety #MyJourney