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Your kind Monday reminder

It's so easy to forget to be kind to oneself.
It much easier to be kind to those around us.
But we need our kindness too.
We need to show ourselves compassion.
We need to show ourselves grace.
So this Monday, I am checking in with you to help remind you to do so.
Or to invite you to practice doing so with me.
I wish you the best possible week, you can have.
(Picture from Pinterest)

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Your kind Monday reminder

Today I am reminding myself of this.
The importance of small steps.
It's so well illustrated in this picture, I think.
How they make progress possible.
It can help us reach our goals to make bite-sized plans, habits and routines.
I wish you the best possible week, you can have.
(Picture from Pinterest)

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Your kind Monday reminder

On this Monday I would like to check in with you.
To make sure you're being kind to yourself.
It's so important.
Things are rough and hard enough with us also being hard on ourselves.
Saw a quote saying: Be kind to yourself, you've suffered enough.
And that hit home with me.
I often add to my suffering by being cruel towards myself.
And I want to practice doing some different.
Something kinder.
And maybe you would like to join me?
I wish you the best possible week, you can have.
(Picture from Pinterest)

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Your kind Monday reminder

I've shared this one before.
But it's such a great message, it can do with another share.
We can abandon yourselves very easily.
And gaslight ourselves often.
I know I do both - if I'm not very mindful about it.
So this is a message, I need often: Please try to be on your own side - today and always.
I wish you the best possible week, you can have.
(Picture from Pinterest, by The Latest Kate)

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Your kind Monday reminder

This morning I was so overwhelmed, I could hardly get out of bed.
The weight of everything was crushing.
I almost had a panic attack.
But I did manage to talk myself down.
And I tried to tackle my morning by focusing on one task at a time.
It was exhausting.
But I did manage to get out of bed, get the kids and myself ready, walk my youngest to school, do my internship, and grocery shop.
Now I need a nap!
As you face your week, remember that you can take your week, day, or hour in steps - one thing at a time.
I won't say one "small" thing at a time, for it never feels like a "small" thing to me...
I wish you the best possible week, you can have.
(Picture from Pinterest, by The Latest Kate)

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Your kind Monday reminder

So I had one of the toxic people in my life say something belittling to me...
And I went into instant self-gaslight mode and negated the impact it had on me.
But I recognized that I was doing that.
So I tried to go into self-validation mode instead.
I told myself that it made sense that it hurt me.
Since it was hurtful.
And I tried to show myself compassion.
I also had a friend remind me of something I want to remember in these kinds of situations;
I want to remember MY truth about me and my life.
And it all helped a little.
Here's to practicing and healing.
I wish you the best possible week you can have.
(Picture from Pinterest, by The Latest Kate)

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Your kind Monday reminder

As we start a new week, I thought I would share this reminder to go easy on yourself - not just today, but the whole week.
Well actually preferably to go easy on yourself from now on.
For so many of us it is second nature to be hard on ourselves, to push ourselves, and even be mean to ourselves.
But we don't deserve such harshness.
The world is a hard enough place to be without us making it harder for ourselves.
So maybe we could try yo be just a little kinder to ourselves.
We do enough and we are enough!
(Picture from Pinterest)

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Your kind Monday reminder

"You're doing you best, and your best doesn't have to be perfect".
I wanted to share this reminder with you on this Monday.
I think we can be very hard on ourselves sometimes.
But we do deserve credit for showing up and doing our best.
I wish you the best possible week, you can have.
(Picture from Pinterest)

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Your kind Monday reminder

"The tiniest steps forward still count".
Thought this was a good reminder to start the week with.
I know it always helps me to get this reminder.
Because those "tiny" steps can still feel plenty big!
And sometimes I even think there is no such thing as a tiny step.
That they are all variants of big steps.
But maybe that depends on where you're at in life?
And what you got going on.
Just wanted to share this with you.
And wish you the best possible week, you can have.
(Picture from Pinterest, by The Latest Kate)

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Your kind Monday reminder

This reminder is always welcomed in my world:
"Hitting a rough patch doesn't undo all of the progress you've already made".
When I do hit a rough patch, which I do on a very regular basis..., I am so quick to think it erases all my progress and all my good work.
And that all of this doesn't matter all of a sudden.
But that's not true.
I read somewhere that progress isn't "just" about how you manage the good times.
It's also about how you handle and cope with the rough times.
I needed that reminder now.
Maybe some of you do too?
I wish you the best possible week, you can have.
(Picture from Pinterest)

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