Adjustment Disorder

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Adjustment Disorder
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I've got a telehealth appointment tomorrow with my doctor to go over my lab results. They're pretty bad. She's gonna be cross that I haven't found an Endo yet. I'm on a really high dose of insulin. It's not helping. But it's making me gain weight really fast. It's kinda scary.

But I'm gonna talk to her about getting me a proper rescue inhaler. I've got dulera but that's just twice per day. When I go up and down the stairs or walk for more than 5 minutes I can't catch my breath.

I'm gonna get a refill of my Norco. I've been trying to contact my previous back surgeon but they haven't responded to my 2 emails and phone calls. As long as I am making an attempt, my doctor will refill my meds. I've only been taking maybe 5 per week. I'm trying to use my tramadol more often. I'm not addicted. And I intend on staying that way.

My doctor is concerned about my lymphedema and high blood pressure. I told her how my cardiologist is handling it and she's kinda pissed. The new meds aren't working. And I had a low symptoms day on Tuesday so my cardiologist thinks everything is fine. And even after emailing her pictures of my pitting lymphedema, I haven't heard back.

I'm so frustrated. And my anxiety is making me sick. I'll talk to my doctor about how bad my adjustment disorder is. Maybe she'll have an idea. She's a good doctor.

#COPD #Diabetes #ChronicPain #a1c #BackPain #Lymphedema #HighBP

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It's been an ok day so far. I enjoyed my time out with my BHH nutritionist. She's a very sweet girl. I told her about my depression being bad and my adjustment disorder being a problem. I told her my anhedonia was really bad and it turned out she didn't know what that was. So I taught her about it.

I made another cup of coffee. It's super strong. I mixed hazelnut IQ Joe with vanilla caramel cappuccino powder and a spoonful of banana nesquik. Then I added some sucralose and almond milk. It's yummy but very strong. #coffeeadventures

Tonight for dinner we're making Mediterranean salmon. I'm not sure if I should make broccoli or butternut squash. We haven't had butternut squash in a while.

We're figuring out which meds I need ordered.

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Got bad news today

I got a letter from my insurance. As of May 18th my therapist will not be covered by my insurance. I've been working with him for roughly 7 years. We do 2 sessions each week. We've been making progress but currently we're focusing on my depression from the adjustment disorder. I'm really upset.

#MentalHealth #schizo #SchizoaffectiveDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder

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The appointment was productive

1. We're changing my topomax to zonegran. She wasn't surprised when I said I was having memory gaps and losing days and grasping for words.

2. I told her about the new diagnosis of exotropia and she said it was possible that it's the cause of the migraines.

3. I told her about my adjustment disorder. She knows I have a lot of medical issues going on at the same time. She was very sympathetic and supportive.

4. I'm gonna take the zonegran for one month and then I am going to get occipital nerve block. We want to know how my body handles the meds first.

5. When we were waiting for the doctor, I noticed that my right boob hurt kinda bad so I quickly took a peek. I had a pretty big abscess. So I waited until I got home and I attempted to gently pop it... And OMG it shot everywhere! I didn't have any toilet paper so I called out for pauley and she brought me a roll. She asked me if I popped it and I showed her. She said I should wait an hour and pop it again.

#Migraine #meds #AdjustmentDisorder

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Here's the current drama

My vision is really bad but we discovered I have an eye condition called exotropia that requires surgery. It's a form of strabismus, I've presumably had it my whole life but nobody noticed until now. Most strabismus surgery happens to kids. The soonest I could get in with the surgeon is April 16th.

My thoracic spine and cervical spine are bad and I'm waiting to hear from my previous surgeon if he wants to help me.

My hips require cortisone injections every 3 months. My previous PCP was doing them. Now he's charging $1200/year out of pocket for his service and doesn't process any insurance. I can't afford it. So now I have to find a new orthopedic doctor. Except last time I talked to one he refused to help me cuz I'm too young for surgery and he didn't offer alternative solutions.

My migraines have been mostly under control for a month. It's because of the topomax. But it's causing big gaps in my memory. I can't remember days. Luckily the breakthrough migraine is squashed by the ubrelvy.

And on top of all of this mess is a great big monstrous case of adjustment disorder flaring so hard. But I'm too tired to be manic. So it's just worry, depression and anxiety through the roof. I'm barely functioning. I normally would be researching my diagnosis but I just don't have any spoons.

My new PCP and her staff don't know how to write a prior authorization for anything. I got denied insulin and dexcom last week.

My foot is...huge doesn't seem sufficient. It's mammoth. And stiff and hurts. My PCP put me on lasix and it was starting to work. Then the first appointment with my new cardiologist, she decided to take me off lasix and tell me to just elevate my leg and maybe try compression socks. She wrote the script for the socks and we just gotta find time to go to Binsons for a fitting. But she told me if it gets worse I should call her. I did that last week. She basically said I don't know what to tell you, just elevate the foot. I've got an appointment with her on the 26th. I'm not happy about it.

Pauley wants to be more involved in my care. I already struggle with my physical limitations, I am trying to be as independent as possible so I still feel human. I don't know how to tell her I want things to just stay the way they've been. If I need help I want to ask, not have it forced on me. I know she means well. But this is just really complicated and I'm tired.

I have to find a new Endo. I've got numbers to call but I'm so burnt out. My diabetes is out of control. The insulin isn't working. I'm at 50 units of lantus before bed and 35 units of humalog. I don't know what to do. My PCP can only do so much.

#mylifeisamess #CheckInWithMe

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I just want to cry

I can feel the sad emotions welling up inside.

I was sitting sniffling and fighting back tears and pauley asked what was wrong. I just kinda unleashed all my sadness and told her I'm not sure how much longer I can keep this up. She asked how she could help and all I could think was maybe a bottle of juice. But then I remembered I have canned bubble tea. So I have a can of honeydew flavor bubble tea. And she heated up a cheese stick for me.

#Depression #Anxiety #AdjustmentDisorder #exotropia #Relationships

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I was gonna say I don't know why I'm crying but that'd be a lie. I'm so burnt out. The closest to getting out for a date with Pauley was going to the hospital cafe after my appointment with my cardiologist.

I'm facing yet another big medical problem and I feel so alone. It's bad enough to require corrective surgery. I talked to my mom about it and she said I was being dramatic. I only told her I was nervous. I mean yeah I should know by now she's not capable of being supportive. Sigh

I just really need someone to care. I had to reschedule therapy for tomorrow cuz my therapist forgot his laptop at home and it would have been almost 25 minutes late.#AdjustmentDisorder #Depression #anx

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I just realized something

On Thursday my therapist asked me how I'm doing and I said " oh I'm good... No I'm not I've been constipated for almost a week and my meds don't help." I think I'm so used to a certain level of misery that I equate it as my baseline. Pain at 5, typically speaking, is what I experience when I'm laying perfectly still with my legs like pretzels and my back against the wall and my pillow folded up under my neck. Of course that's only when I just wake up and then I need to go potty so I stand up and OMG all hell breaks loose.

I have been having trouble keeping my days straight. Yesterday I thought it was Friday, today I thought it was Tuesday. I'm not handling all the medical adventures so good. The first 2 months that pauley and I dated 8 and a half years ago, we went to at least 3 appointments each week. She's been my biggest supporter during the chaos. She is the only person who knows how much my adjustment disorder destroys my life for months at a time.(Ie: "I'm not allowed to pee until I find a correlation between optic chiasm narrowing , prolactinomas, and prolactin levels being high caused by invega trinza "and the next thing you know 3 hours go by)

I've got some kind of urinary system problem. Either UTI or kidney stones. If it's stones. It's still early. But I'm having trouble voiding completely and my tummy hurts when I go.

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The reality

I have schizoaffective disorder, adjustment disorder and borderline personality disorder. Without my meds I'm depressed, paranoid, manic, and I hear screaming in my head. Between the ages of 5 to 35 I attempted suicide 24 times and I was hospitalized inpatient 8 times and I lost count of how many times I went to a non hospital treatment facility. I've got scars on both ankles where I scraped and gouged my fingernails until I hit bone when I was manic.

My reality is not pretty. But since January of 2020 I've been the most stable and happy I've ever been. I've got a clear mind. I don't have constant suicidality. I don't self harm. But the last week before the next dose of my meds is rough. My depression creeps back in, the paranoia, the manic episodes.

And when I get a new diagnosis, I spend weeks researching. I'll spend hours, and when I'm hungry or need to go potty I tell myself "10 more minutes.." and the next thing you know an hour has gone by.

It's not just depression. My mom doesn't believe that I have these disorders. And she's so judgemental. My friends want me to cut ties but then I'd have no family. I try my best to establish healthy boundaries. I do my best. But my day to day is a nightmare. I just wish people understood.


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