This is a long one, bear with me.

I had the #Hypothyroidism Since I was 12, but since I was young, (and I was too) the doctors said by 18 I dodmt need the synthroid anymore. I still got my thyroid checked every year. Three years ago the bloodwork to me looked funny, and to the doctor too. I had way too many thyroid antibodies. At this point, the hormone level was still technically okay, but the doctor sent me to their endocrinologist, who also said, I was okay. The next year goes by, I get my annual bloodwork including the thyroid, i always ask, its it's the way it was. This doctor thought it looked funny too, and the hormone has now started to drop SLIGHTLY below normal range, the antibodies are at 400. You're supposed to have less than 9 on someone healthy, but and i quote this next doctor "I dont tell comfortable giving you synthroid right now," I tell him I'm going to get a second opinion, NOT from his endocrinologist, someone else. It took my endocrinologist not even 2 minutes to diagnose me with hashimoto's hypothyroidism. He said no ones antibodies should be that high, and that they were attacking my thyroid. I get my synthroid. I get bloodwork every three months or so now. I've had the dosage dose bumped twice since. I'm on the same dosdose as I was as a kid by now currently. July 9 i was diagnosed with #Fibromyalgia after years of pain, but not so widespread, not so constant. It got very bad this year, and I got the diagnosis. Its comorbid with hashimoto's. Over a third of people with hashimoto's have it, maybe more, because a lot of people dont know they gave hashimoto's. I find myself, in the middle of a flare, wondering, maybe if the doctors listened, I wouldnt have this #ChronicIllness Maybe if my parents did research when I was younger about #ThyroidDisease They wouldnt have been so quick to put me on #Bipolar medication. I mean, thyroid/pubescent kid, I literally never had a chance to grow my own serotonin. I'm not sure why doctors took me off synthroid in the first place to be honest. Things like hypothyroidism dont just get better typically, and an 18 year old metabolism is more or less trickery. Idk. And I'll never know. Maybe I'm in pain and playing the blame game, however, these are the cards I get to play now, but maybe it didnt have to be. Maybe instead of carrying around a pharmacy, I could have just carried that synthroid. #Advocacy #advocateforyourself sometimes doctors are wrong. Sometimes your parents are wrong. Sometimes, things dont get better. At 29, I'm now a holder of three disabilities. I can't even leave the job I hate, because I need the intermittent fmla. My boss hates me because she diesnt realize I've gotten so sick in three years. I look normal, I laugh, I tease, but somedays inside I'm definitely not okay. I learned to live and adjust. #Vent #rant #Multiplediagnoses