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Aquagenic Keratoderma

I was always irritated by water, I just felt uncomfortable in it. I never realized how I was affected differently until my friend saw my palms and pointed out how wrinkly they were. I shrugged it off and told her I had showered. She pointed out that I showered hours ago. I didn’t realize typical raisin hands went away so quickly.
Aquagenic wrinkling of the palms and soles. That’s what my dermatologist said, not having much to share about the rare condition except I was told I may be a carrier for cistic fibrosis. That was scary. I decided that day I would probably adopt. Other than that I know nothing for certain.
I’ve done my own research on it. Found out it’s “commonly” called aquagenic keratoderma (AK). Found out it may be a salt imbalance which could be why I’m low on salt. It also has to do with sweat which could be why I started sweating at such a young age. Who knows. There’s not enough research yet.
I found a community on Facebook with others who have the same condition. We are all still so unsure about a lot of things about AK. But knowing someone else is going through what I am going through helps.

#AquagenicWrinkling #aquagenickeratoderma #Anxiety #cisticfibrosis #CF #Support #SupportGroups


Does anyone with Sjögren’s also deal with aquagenic wrinkling of the palms?

I assume it’s due to Sjögren’s. I could be wrong.

Warm water between 5-10 min (like a shower); one hand worse than the other. It started suddenly a few weeks ago (I was diagnosed w Sjo’s last October) and was curious if anyone else has had this problem. It’s a matter of annoyance only, at this point. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated 💭💕

#sjogrens #AquagenicWrinkling #ChronicIllness #sjogrens #sjogrensdisease #confused #DermProbs

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