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Trying to stop "should'ing" on myself

In therapy I've become aware of just how much and how chronically I "should" on myself.
I should have done better.
I should be doing better.
I should not be feeling what I am.
I should be working.
I should not be struggling.
I should be doing more.
And soooo many other should's...
Saw the mighty @interstellarrpuffin sharing this the other day.
And I was very grateful.
Grateful to see some alternatives to "should".
Because sometimes it's hard to know what to replace "should" with.
And it's very much a work in progress for me.
(Picture from @interstellarrpuffin )

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Monday Cheer

Another week has begun.
And another weekend has passed.
Before we get too busy and wrapped up in the new week, I thought we might take a moment and reflect on a weekend win.
I feel it can do a lot for our mental and emotional well-being to focus on what worked, what was good, and what we actually accomplished.
It doesn't have to be something "big".
ANY win counts!
Because they are all big wins in my book.
You're more than welcome to share with us in the comments.
So we can cheer each other on.
I'll get us started with the sharing in the comments.
And I wish you the best possible week.
(Picture from Google, layout made in Canva)

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Your kind Monday reminder

Hi everyone.
Another week is ahead of us.
And I have another kind Monday for you - if you should need it.
This one is about things you should not feel guilty for - a reminder I surely need.
And it is Halloween themed.
Thought is was very cute🎃
I especially needed to hear:
"Being sensitive and emotional"
"Taking things at your own pace".
I am recovering from fall break and a vacation.
And I will definitely need to take things in my own pace this upcoming week.
I wish you the best week, you can have.
(Picture from Pinterest)

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We made it! Wanna share a win?

You probably know what time it is;)
It's time for the "It's Friday. We made it!!" post.
Because we made it another week.
However you got through;
You got through.
And I am so proud of you.
Many of you are up against some serious health challenges.
But you do you best.
And give it your all - however that may look on any given day.
Do you want to take a moment and reflect on a win from your week, or a glimmer, or maybe some gratitude?
You're most welcome to share with us in the comments.
As always; I'll get us started with the sharing.
(Picture from Google)

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Well, that's a nice thought

"The person coming to save you is your healed self".
I think that is a comforting thought.
And it gives me hope in the work, I am doing.
I am helping myself now and I am also doing my future self a solid.
Saw a similar quote saying:
"Let me fall, if I must fall. The one I will become will catch me" (Baal Shem Tov).
We're doing important work each and every day.
For us now and for us in the future.
(Picture from Pinterest)

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Important shout out

My life has changed a lot.
My circumstances have changed a lot.
I have changed a lot.
Sometimes, when I look back at how I've coped before, I am shocked at how badly I coped.
I am shocked at how much I hurt and struggled...
But I know now that I always did my best.
With what I had and what I knew.
And I want to thank all the old versions of me for getting me to where I am today.
I recognize your fight and your will to be.
And I am thankful we made it this far.
(Picture from Pinterest)

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Your kind Monday reminder

"I will practice self-kindness as I am on the right path for me".
We all have different paths.
Different journeys.
Some people won't understand our journey.
I have many people in my life who don't understand what I am doing - and why.
But I am learning to be okay with this.
As long as I get what I'm doing and why.
As long as I believe, I am the right path for me.
I remind myself:
"Not everyone will understand your journey. That's fine. It's not their journey to make sense of. It's yours".
And as I take healing steps, I am also reminded, I am doing what is right for me.
I want to wish you the best week you can have.
(Picture from Google)

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It's Friday!! Wanna share a win?

We made it to Friday.
However you got through;
You got through.
And you get a BIG gold star⭐️
Do you want to take a moment and reflect on a win from your week, some gratitude, or maybe a glimmer?
And you're more than welcome to share with us in the comments.
As always;
I'll get us started in the comments.
One last thing:
I am so thankful you are in the world.
(Picture from Google)

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That explains a lot

I am often told that I am brave.
But I don't feel brave.
I feel scared.
I worry.
I doubt.
But most of the time i also get done what I need to get done.
I do it scared.
And maybe that is being brave?
I certainly think you all are brave all the time for all that you do.
(Picture from Pinterest)

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Many things at once

I continue to be amazed about how many different emotions, I can feel at one time.
When I feel something, that is.
I am often numb...
But when I feel emotions it's often opposite emotions at the same time.
I used to think emotions were either/or.
But they are much more both/and.
For me at least.
And once I realized this, it was easier for me to accept feeling multiple things at once.
To let what is be.
I think it happens because we as human beings contain multitudes.
And one thing can result in several different feelings.
Even opposite feelings.
So I can be hurting and healing at the same time.
That's comforting to know.
(Picture from Pinterest)

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