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Benzo Withdrawal - Support Wanted

Day 1. And honestly looking for some advice or support as a do this.

I've was taking Xanax (Azor here in South Africa) for a good 3 years or so, then was switched to clobazam (Urbanol) earlier this year. It's been about 4 years since I was put on benzos and while I know it's only recommended for short term use, I've remained on a low dose and my doctor only prescribed 2 months at a time.

Now, with the brain fog of Fibro getting worse and my memory giving me issues, I decided it's time to get off. I'm tapering and doc said 1/2 my usual dose every night for 2 weeks then same dose but every second day for another 2 weeks.

I took my first half dose last night and what a night it was! The nightmares and vivid dreams, waking up a lot and feeling a bit nauseous. This morning I feel super weird. Very dizzy, nauseous, tired. It also feels like someone is holding ice against my forehead and arms. And I have a strange feeling running up the back of my neck into my head, it changes from an icy feeling to a slight pins and needles feeling.

I'm not freaking out... Yet, haha... Because I know I'll experience withdrawal (I tried to do this before and failed) and right now I'm just uncomfortable and feel a little weird. However, I know it's going to get a little harder before it gets easier.

Anyone else go through benzo withdrawal after being on them for a few years? How did you manage? Any tips?

#benzo #withdrawal #detox #Xanax #Anxiety #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Fibromyalgia #AnxietyMedication #PsychiatricMedication #Advice

1 comment

Basically I just got chewed out by my son's fiance because I bowed out of a situation with their wedding that was stressing me out. I tried explaining my health situation in great detail but she still suggested I just take a pill and get on the plane. I just went through 3 years of agonizing withdrawl getting off a #benzo . I'm feeling so misunderstood and angry right now.