anxiety medication

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When they don't know what causing your diagnosis

This is my daily intake of meds from 2 months ago. I have 3 more meds added since. #MentalHealth #ADHD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #AnxietyMedication

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Prescription anxiety

I had spine surgery on 3/3 (5 days ago) and I’m in a lot of pain. I expected this as I just had spine surgery 6/22/22 as well. I prepared for the worst and I hoped for the best. Here’s my question….I got a prescription for pain medication the day of my procedure which contained enough for 8 tabs a day spaced at every 4-6 hours, just like the prescription says. Here I am on day 5 with 8 tablets and I’m anxious…is the surgeon going to give me a refill , there’s no way people come off pain meds 5 days after spine surgery right?, am I crazy that I’ve calculated my dose’s exactly because I don’t want to experience the crazy pain that follows?.
Seriously, is there something wrong with that/me? I’ve never been an addict, but if pain was involved and pain medication was needed, I didn’t let anyone help me with that part. I’m the child of an addict, could be something there.
My bruising has only just begun and the swelling is horrific (ice is my friend). So my anxiety has kicked in because I’m scared to call the surgeons office and ask for a refill (to be called in tonight preferably so I don’t have to drive), docs don’t like to refill pain medication even for surgery relief. I’m so afraid to be in pain, but the anxiety of actually calling is getting the best of me right now. Ugh. Why? Just why? Why does my brain do this? I’m certainly not actively thinking these thoughts. I don’t understand why this has to be an issue for me. 😤😩🥴😵‍💫🙄🤥🫥🫤😳😔 #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #MajorDepressiveDisorder #Anxiety #PanicDisorder #MoodDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #AnxietyMedication #SpinalStenosis #MightyTogether #CheckInWithMe #CrohnsDisease #Fibromyalgia #BrainFog #BackPain #SpinalSurgery #ChronicPain

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Does Anyone Struggle Just to Get Your Meds?

Does anyone find it frustrating when you need your meds, so you have to see a prescriber, but the cost of the appointments keeps you in debt, or at least adds to it? I'm not saying whomever you see doesn't deserve to be paid, but I'm talking about the difficulty it might pose for you.


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I Need Support

I have to dump some of this off my mind. It's very rare for me to feel good or even ok these days. I'm morbidly obese, my teeth are missing and broken, and I have dental issues that make a lot of foods hard to eat. I hardly ever get to eat healthy, and I'm losing physical strength.

This motel room is poorly ventilated and is usually too hot (my boyfriend keeps it that way most of the time). My boyfriend is emotionally and mentally abusive, I have financial struggles, I keep saying negative things to myself, and I stink. My vision is getting worse.

I have a psychiatric nurse practitioner (pnp) and he doesn't get it at all. My Xanax was cut by half (2mg Xanax ER a day to 1mg regular Xanax a day) and even my boyfriend says my OCD is much worse (my panic disorder is, too) but my nurse practitioner said about a week and a half after she cut it that I should be over the withdrawals. My pnp told me it's normal to be "a little uncomfortable" after even a small reduction of Xanax. I know what people have gone through. I've researched this. I want off the Xanax, but not this fast!

People stare at my car, make comments, laugh, and look at my car in disgust, anger, and hatred. I've asked my boyfriend for help, but he won't help. Says he will, but never gets around to it. He gets irritable and angry with me, anyway.

I've lost my cats. I'm not going to say more about that, because I just start crying. I already have tears forming.

My boyfriend has said I'm a burden. I have nowhere else to go. I have no friends or family. I can't use resources like shelters because of my OCD. My physical and mental issues are intertwined.

I'm so tired and lonely. I don't want to die, and I'm not trying to make that happen. But I'm terrified I'm going to die, because I can't find a way out of this situation. I'm 54, and I want to live a long time, in excellent health and beautiful.

#informedconsent #bigpharmaharm #antidepressants #antipsychotics

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Anxiety and #AnxietyMedication

I have just started my new medication, Lexapro (also known as Ciprelax) and have been experiencing some not great side affects — insomnia, racing thoughts, tightness of chest, and what feels like heartburn. Really praying this will subside soon. Has anyone else taken #Lexapro or #ciprelax ?

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Thinking about restarting meds.

I stopped taking meds 7 months ago... And now I think I am back to square one. I need to go back to the doctors and get some help. Again. 😅

Anyone here who restared their meds for mental health after stopping completely? Any thoughts? 👀

#Anxiety #AnxietyMedication #MentalHealth

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Best Way to Handle This? (Have OCD - Plz Respond)

This happened to me a few days ago, and certainly not for the first time in my life. I have OCD and can't touch stuff from other people, their homes, churches, etc. I've tried to explain this to people, but they don't seem to grasp how literal and serious I'm being.

This woman who works at a restaurant I go to sometimes handed me a bag with lotion, shampoo, and other things. I was wearing vinyl gloves, but I still wasn't comfortable taking it. Still, I did, but I tried to keep it from touching my clothes or me. I thanked her, because I know she meant well.

I don't know where she got the items, if she bought them or got them for free, but I don't want people to buy things for me, because I can't use them, and will just throw them away. I'm really uncomfortable to try to explain it again, and people often take it personally and get angry with me, or I hear them gossiping later.

I don't want them to waste their money, but I don't know how I can be clearer. Do you have to deal with this? How do you handle it?

#informedconsent #bigpharmaharm #antidepressants #antipsychotics

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"Write It Down or It Didn't Happen."

That's what my boyfriend said to me this morning. I reminded him my car was giving me a warning about my engine power being low, and suggesting putting in more oil, because it's been saying it needs oil for a long time, which I told him several times, and he kept saying he'd put more oil in, but he never did.

I stopped saying anything until I got the engine has low power warning, and he said it it likely has nothing to do with the oil. He said if I'm not getting some kind of dire warning (he gave me examples, but I forget exactly), then it wasn't an emergency. He also doesn't remember me telling him about the oil. He forgets a lot of things I tell him. Years ago, he said he often "tunes [me] out." He said he told me to write it down a long time ago, and maybe he did, but I don't remember that. He keeps moving my notebooks get to write all kinds of things, so it's hard to write ANYTHING down.

I just spent too much money on paper at the bookstore, because I don't feel like going to Walmart. My legs and feet hurt, my jeans chafe, my shoe is hurting my toe, and I'm finally able to sit down after running around all day, except for dinner. On top of that, my vertigo is acting up. I left a message for my nurse practitioner.

I hate to tear pages out of these journals (they don't really have notebooks here), but he wants me to write stuff down (or it didn't happen)? I'm going to write stuff down.


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Taking a Big Leap (Forward, I Hope)

I'm making a call tonight I was advised, and I'm terrified! I've called before (this and other numbers), but someone told me to call a number and tell them I'm in an abusive situation (true) and they would put me in a hotel. A lot could go wrong, but I'm doing it. I just wish I had somebody by my side while I'm doing it. I'm really scared. I know I'd be less anxious if my Xanax hadn't been cut so much so abruptly, and I'm having health issues. I saw my nurse practitioner yesterday, and she said I was good, but I still have to get the blood work done. I've been waiting for my boyfriend to take me, but he puts it off, tells me he's worried his car is going to break down because it's acting up (mine needs repairs, too, but only his matters), and I'm afraid to bring it up because he gets irritated with me and snaps at me.

I don't feel well, and I have felt worse since I started sleeping in my car (and basically living there). I'm hoping for a hotel room for now; that's what I was told would happen if I called. I just finished the antibiotics I'd been prescribed, and it cleared up my tooth abscesses, but I'm worried they'll come back, I have loose stools (I'm pretty sure because of the antibiotics) and I feel like I could mess myself but going to the bathroom here is going to take more energy than I have right now even though it'll make me feel better. I really hope I can get a hotel, because my legs feel bad and I need to prop them up, plus I've not had a good night's sleep since Thursday. I've been getting 3 or 4 non-consecutive hours each night, I'd say.

I'm scared to be alone with my disabilities, and I need some stuff, plus I don't want my boyfriend to know I'm leaving (if that's what's happening; I have to make sure I have a support system, can get what I need, etc., and the goal for tonight is a hotel room). Most of my stuff is with my boyfriend, plus he's got the only key to my storage unit. However, it's in my name, so if I call and tell them to ban him, that should be done. I need to get a new key.

I just wanted to post some of my fears before I make the call. I'm doing it as soon as I leave here and I'm somewhere I think I won't be kicked out for parking while I make the call. Maybe I'll ask here.



He Will "Allow" Me

I went to the doctor yesterday. Overall, pretty good. She's happy I found a psychiatrist. I have my first appointment with him tomorrow (Wednesday).

On our way, my boyfriend asked me some questions about various things, one of them being what reason I was going to tell the nurse practitioner ("np" after this) for sleeping in my car? I told him I was going to tell her he keeps it too hot for me in the room. That was true. It just wasn't the only reason I was going to give. Anyway, he said he'd "allow" me to use that excuse. It's the same thing he told the motel manager! I didn't say anything, but I was laughing in my head. Allow me? I'll tell her whatever I want to! Furthermore, he's never asked my permission to tell people I have OCD, which I've told him never to do without asking me first. He's told so many people! It infuriates me! And he thinks I'm asking permission to tell my NP a reason I'm sleeping in my car? Pfft!

Besides being uncomfortable, sleeping in my car gives me restless legs, and I don't sleep well. It's gotten colder the past two days. I use up a lot of gas just to keep it warm in here. I just put some gas in the tank yesterday, too.

Almost never taking these pants off is leading to chafing.

#informedconsent #bigpharmaharm #antidepressants