Has anyone on here with MS struggled with sporadic throat tightness and spasms? After getting my covid vaccine, I woke up in the middle of the night feeling as though I couldn’t breathe/swallow correctly. In a panic I rushed to the ER, however was treated like I was crazy and just doped up. It’s true that I suffer from anxiety, however NEVER like this. Months later, I still randomly get these attacks, and am scheduled to see my dr soon. I try to use relaxation methods to help, as well as take Klonopin. This has never happened until that instance. I get random muscle spasms in my legs. Is it possible this is a new MS symptom?
I have relapsing remmiting MS, but started my journey with Tumafactive MS which presented as a brain tumor and left me with lasting disability 3 years later.
Thoughts on the throat tightness???