Cognitive Disorders

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Hi, my name is FlowerGirl19. I'm here because
I’m a single parent with 20-something children with disabilities. Looking for others who are on this journey of helping their adult children lead meaningful and productive lives. Are you here, too?
#MightyTogether #Anxiety #Depression #BipolarDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #PTSD #BrainTumor #CognitiveDisorders

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Tuesdays thought provoking thoughts;

Misogyny in today’s society is hard subject too discuss, even now in 2024, we are still quietly carrying on regardless and burying these deep rooted issues that stem from childhood.

Over time, we have adapted our own culture of enabling; example;

Take what https:data-feminism.mitpress it’s a brilliant insightful website full of fascinating facts.

examples below of enabling in society today in 2024:

feminist: The radical notion that women are people?

Is your education more
important than mine?

"He was drunk"
are the words we use to explain and excuse, the bad things he does.

"She was drunk"
are the words we justify as the reason why,
the bad things happen to her.

yes, i am a feminist. no, i don't hate men?

Let’s talk openly and honestly to our children and the people in our lives; moral foundations need to be rebuilt, society needs to grow and change for the better ❤️🗣️🌍💥 #PTSD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #SchizoaffectiveDisorder #MentalHealth #ComplexChildhoodTrauma #CognitiveDisorders

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is Breathe02081. I'm here because I somehow ended up on this page and figured I would see what it was. Oh wait I remember was reading article about service dog must haves.

#MightyTogether #PTSD #Anxiety #Depression #BipolarDisorder #Migraine #RheumatoidArthritis #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #DiabetesType2 #CognitiveDisorders

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I’m new here!

Hi, my name is buzzybabbler5596. I'm looking for information functional neurological disorder, non-epileptic seizures.

#MightyTogether #CognitiveDisorders

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Out of options & no support from family members

#ChronicIllness #AutismSpectrumDisorder #Stroke #Disorder #SpinalCordInjury #Undiagnosed #CognitiveDisorders Where to begin. I honestly feel like one of those people kicking a can down a lonely street. I saw the new primary & wouldn't you believe it he was "get him in get him out" mentality. He was pretty rude, didn't know what he was looking at,& told me it's transient. (yeah having steatorrhea with undue fatigue & urinary issues that lasted 18 months is a short term issue, you know what, there right I should just sit here & do nothing.) I've noticed a pattern male doctors have this pride of there's nothing wrong with you just sit there & though it out. Honestly that's what I want to do because no one else cares... Where as the females actually have a tendency to care. I don't know what it is I really don't. But with that aside, I'm done with doctors. There you happy now? I have a physical therapist who has here own attitude problem & is determined to not only get nosey with my doctors but diagnose an fnd issue. Well I have no choice but to agree with her. But, 18 months has done nothing to help the posture so there's that. Now, I'm doing a full vitamin panel against this doctors will (I'm just a burden.) I told him insurance would cover this test completely & that I had a chat with insurance & they said it's covered. Oh, I did complain about my problems porencephaly, laryngocele, spinal cervical degradation, mildly low Igm etc. She recommended a disability coordinator for this mess but now that I don't have a doctor anymore what can we do?

You know as a kid I always wanted to have friends so that I could learn to be normal...well I never got that opportunity, sad, but what can you do? I used to be envious of not getting a diagnosis so as to find my village. That has changed ever since the porencephaly diagnosis in December of last year. Now I don't care so much anymore. I'm uncertain if we will find an issue with my vitamins. I can't wait to come into physical therapy tomorrow & be told your doing this on purpose, knock it off! What a world we live in oh well. My life has gone up in flames because not only do I have to work on my own issues but I have to work on other peoples attitudes.

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Short vent because I’m unwell. (TW severe mental illness)

I don’t know how to survive day to day any more. I tried to end things not long ago. Didn’t work. Anyway. For a while now I’ve known that I’m never not going to be a burden. There just isn’t a world where I’m not in pain and am expected to hide it or downplay it for other peoples comfort. So not worth it. Especially on top of being severely disabled. Anyway just venting. But in so much pain. But planning to live for a bit longer through summer. Just would like to meet someone like me. Haven’t talked to a single person who understands. Don’t think I ever will. Never imagined this much suffering was possible.

#severedepression #Depression #schizoaffective #SchizoaffectiveDisorder #moodswings #CognitiveDisorders #dissociativedisorders #DissociationDisorders #Isolation #Suicide #MentalHealth #Bipolar2Disorder #Pain #AnorexiaNervosa #Disability #CGL #CPTSD #Caregiving #Support #SupportGroups #CheckInWithMe #Psychosis #Schizophrenia #venting #Anxiety #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder


#MS #Disability #CognitiveDisorders

I work at a company I’ve been with going on 25 years & about 2 years ago I was “re-organized “, and recently I have been given a discipline & performance plan because I have not met deadlines. Now, I get the work done but not when my boss expects. I’m expected to get the same amount of work done in the same amount of time as my peers. This seems as it should not be allowed? I have a documented medical condition, so how can this be okay?


Tools And Techniques Used In CBT

Check out the top 10 tools and techniques used in Cognitive Behavior

Therapy (CBT) for resolving various cognitive issues here-

#CognitiveDisorders #CBT


Is it selfish to stay closeted to keep my carer, only friend and long-term partner?

Background: I've been in a long-term relationship with a man for 15 years and he has been my carer and basically only friend. He has supported me Emotionally, physically and financially with surviving cancer, alcohol & drug addiction, and lifelong severe psychiatric and neurological disabilities that have deteriorated to the point that I can't work, function and barely leave the house as well as SH, suicide attempts and long hospitalization. He has some serious health conditions himself that I have tried to support him as best I can and he doesn't take care of himself or take his meds without my prompting.

The problem: I have always known I was attracted to women but told myself (and others) that I'm 'bi' because I was afraid to come out and I tried to tell myself that my feelings for my partner were the real deal because I cared about him deeply and we had been through so much together. He even knows that I have had relationships with women, before him and during a trial separation. I even refer to myself as 'queer' but as long as I'm in a hetero relationship I have to hide the fact that I've known for a long time that I'm a lesbian and *only* romantically and sexually attracted to women.
I hate lying and desperately want to be authentic but I don't want to hurt him. I care deeply for him, especially after all he has done and we've been through together and I worry that he will become unwell again. And honestly, selfishly, I don't want to be alone with no support - my conditions make it highly unlikely that I could take care of myself, let alone ever meet another woman like me, and even less likely that they would want to be with me.

I don't know if my rambling makes sense but I don't know what to do. Come out and lose him and be alone or stay closeted and keep my best friend and carer? Does this make me a horrible, selfish person? Has anyone been through something similar/can relate?

#LGBTQ #Lesbian #Relationships #Bipolar1Disorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #MentalHealth #CPTSD #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #SocialPhobia #cervicalcancersurvivor #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #TemporalLobeEpilepsy #MigraineWithAura #CognitiveDisorders #Isolation #Selfharm #SuicideSurvivor


Rollercoaster 🎢 #Shame #ChildhoodSexualAbuse #Pride #PTSD -old

Today is a day off for me and it’s been a good day. I have completed MOST of the task I wanted to do today. It just made me think wow yesterday I would have jumped off a bridge and today I woke and was able to function fairly normally. The swings are what I would like to most put in the past. I have been self educating myself and maintaining with minimal help from a professional or outside help. I have tried to work more hours but my body will not. So I don’t want to file for ssdi, because of course that would give me a sense that I have given up on life. And my problem is I have some cognitive issues that are also embrassing that keeps me from being the old assertive me. Which hindsight was covered in the secrets I held. Omg laying this all out in words is so difficult. I can’t communicate well at all. I am done bye for now. #Shame #ChildhoodSexualAbuse #CognitiveDisorders #Hotmess #Anxiety