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Taking It One Day At A Time #chronicillnesswarrior

Today my battle has gotten more difficult. However I am a fighter and I am strong. I will face my trials with hope and bravery. With God by my side; I will not fail. I am blessed to be alive and breathing. No matter the circumstances- I am grateful. I am a fighter; I can and I will. I thank God for this life He has given me. My path may be more difficult than others, however I am a child of the mist high God. I am an overcomer! #Overcomer #childofgod #SystemicLupusErythematosus #LupusNephritis #ChronicIllness #InvisibleIllness #Lupus #AutoimmuneDisease #Chronicpainwarrior ##lupusawareness #chronicillnessawareness #nevergiveuphope #jesusismyrock ##mylupielife1987 #infiniteangel161 #miss8understood #icanandiwill #OPTIMIST #idealist #lonerwolf #lioness


Broken To The Core #MightyPoets

She felt broken to the core.
Heart ripped from her being, love she felt no more.
Pain and hurt were all she could feel.
Only one card left to deal.
Would she stay or would she go?
Only God could know.
Oh the fear that hides in her eyes
Tears blurring her vision as she crys.
Death knocking at her door.
She opens and with a struggle somehow chooses to refuse.
God's strength is all she can seem to use.
To Kia Kaha is all she knows how,
To Overcome and overturn is all she needs now.
She knows that one day she will be free
And not down on her knee.
Her heart grows stronger everyday.
Knowing that no matter what they say
She hears the words Kia Kaha
And knows all that stands in the end is God's aroha.
With God on her side she can see the day of defeat.
Not through her own power but through the power of the one who defeats.
The card is shownWhat it holds is now known.
The words say it all
She is his perfect jewel.
My child Kia Kaha and rest in me.#Depression #Anxiety #childofgod #lastcard #brokentothecore #kiakaha #restinthefather #youarehisjewel #thedayofdefeatisnear #aroha #mylifediamonds