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I feel like I am getting worse #MajorDepressiveDisorder #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder

I felt like I was doing really well until the last few weeks and now I just feel like I am falling apart. Many years ago when I first got diagnosed I was told I had agoraphobia and after a few years that stopped being a issue. Well in the last few weeks it feels like I am dealing with many of the same issues that I was having before. Going out in public has always been anxiety inducing on some level grocery stores and social events where I don’t know many people have always been worst case scenario but I used to be able to handle those situations pretty well. I went to the pharmacy to pick up some meds today and the anxiety was overwhelming, I though I was going to be ill. When I finally got home it took awhile to come down from being so anxious. I’m scared that it might get worse and I will be unable to leave my house eventually. I just felt like sharing my thoughts, I figured someone on here might understand.

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A long vent, trying to figure out better boundaries

I am working on distancing myself from a triggering friendship and I think I may need some space to vent.
I made friends with someone from a support group, and the more we hung out, the more it became one sided and triggering. She presented herself as someone who was working on her mental health so she could get her kids back from her ex and return to work. The more time passed, the more I saw she actually wasn’t doing the things she needed to do for her mental health. I heard her say she doesn’t want to work and “wants to be disabled.” She also isn’t doing the things the kids therapist is telling her to do to earn the kids trust back (she disappeared for a period of time which is why her ex husband has her kids). I have tried having multiple conversations with her about getting more support and she says she is going to and doesn’t follow through. She is engaging in behaviors that are just continuing to keep her in an unhealthy place where she is at home all day by herself, not getting help, and getting advice from TikTok (including self diagnosing herself with several things).
Then things started getting inappropriate. I told her not to send me TikTok videos because i don’t want to see the content she sends me, she continues to send them anyways. She asked me for my adhd medication so she could clean her house. She asked my boyfriend and I for money “as a joke”, even though I am disabled and her mom gives her about $5,000 a month for her expenses. She told me she wants to act like a teenager (she is in her 40s) and be vindictive to her ex husband in front of her kids. Not only that, she has mentioned some “intrusive thoughts” regarding her kids safety which was concerning and completely inappropriate to share with me. I set a boundary with her saying I cannot hang out with her until she starts doing more for herself. However, she still continues to text me TikTok videos, texts about relationships she wants to be in and how she is updating her dating profile but won’t get tested for STIs because it’s too much work, and anything else that she has been avoiding with. She asked me if there are cloth adult diapers so she “wouldn’t have to get up to go to the bathroom.” Nothing that indicates she is taking what I said seriously, or doing things to apply for a job so she can get custody of her kids like she says is her priority, or that she is doing anything to help herself.
With help from my therapist, I finally realized how triggering it was and how much it was impacting me. I realized I was doing a lot of mental gymnastics to rationalize me continuing to show up in this friendship and meet her where she is at. I genuinely feel bad because I know she needs help. But she has family who is significantly helping her and I just need to figure out what to do next. I don’t think a conversation would help, considering I have tried many different ways to approach this. I don’t necessarily want to just block her though either. I have already stopped responding as much and so it may just have to be a gradual pull away.

Anyways, these are just some thoughts right now. If anyone reads this and has experienced something like this, I would love to hear how you managed this.

#Agoraphobia #PanicDisorder #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #ADHD #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #Migraine #ChronicVestibularMigraine #CheckInWithMe

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Love is on my mind

Sometimes I feel as if I am living in a world of greed, hate, and confusion. There are many things I do not understand and there are also things that genuinely confuse me. Some days are better than others. I choose to have love on my mind, and focus on what it is that I can do, and try not to focus on what I cannot do.

Strengths and Weaknesses are important equally. This means sometimes my weaknesses may seem overwhelming, but in the reality it is what makes me who I am. Therefore it is so important. Show love to yourself, but don't forget to show love to others.

#Bisexual #strong #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Agoraphobia #BipolarDisorder #PanicDisorder

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I’m new here!

Hi, my name is JolleyRecovery. I'm here because of my own mental health conditions but more urgently, my 17 yr old son's schizoaffective DX on top of his ADHD, rage disorder, agoraphobia, severe anxiety, depression and PTSD related to sexual trauma. he's spiraling and only four months till 18 and I'm terrified. The mental health system in our state/county is failing him. particularly because we are in poverty and in Medicaid, so the things available to us are limited. Last Friday he attacked his 29 yr old brother for one simple statement that he was voting for Trump. my 17 yr old has very grandiose thoughts and thinks he's more knowledgeable on ANY subject than anyone else. he's highly offended by the orange guy. He instantly jumped to his feet, yelling about women's rights (he wasn't wrong lol) and how dare his brother say that he was voting for him... my oldest attempt to deescalate him failed and my youngest just launched at him, throwing fists and my oldest had no choice but to defend himself while trying to get away. my house got busted up, and my youngest actually grabbed a huge kitchen knife and was going to stab his brother. when I saw him head to the kitchen I just knew and I pushed my oldest out the front door and said take my car, keys in it, RUNNN NOW.. he didn't want to leave me but I knew I wasn't the Target. he ran out and I grabbed a hold of other sons arm and clothes to slow him down and ended up thrown to the floor and stomped on several times. I have a broken rib and a messed up shoulder and lotsa bruising and a goose egg. his eyes were pitch black, his face slack -- lights were on but no one was home he was in such a rage. He threatened suicide by cop in a regular so I had to let things cool off while I texted for help. anyhow, 3 days in a padded room in the ER, being promised they would find a psych bed for him, be patient mom, helps coming... easy for them to say when they weren't trapped in a room with someone who had just assaulted them and promised to kill them and kept saying it for hours as I was forced to stay by his side at the hospital, under threat of them calling CPS if I left! I finally said call them idgaf I'm going to smoke I'm not just going to sit here being abused! anyhow, there's WAYYY more but too much for My intro. sorry it's so long. I'm just so ALONE and desperate for help. they discharged him home two days later saying that because he had no active plan at the EXACT moment they're interviewing him, that he doesn't meet the criteria for inpatient hospitalization. He BEGGED them to place him, for help, even said he wasn't sure he wouldn't snap five minutes after leaving hospital and hurt himself or someone else. NOPE sorry ya don't meet the criteria. WTF is wrong with this country??! help?

#MightyTogether #Anxiety #Depression #BipolarDisorder #Fibromyalgia #Migraine #PTSD #ADHD #Grief #SchizoaffectiveDisorder #assault #juvenilementalhealth #Parenting #parentingschizophrenia #ReactiveAttachmentDisorder #Inpatient

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What words or phrases would you use to describe your anxiety lately?

Having anxiety, at least for me, can be tricky and sometimes frustrating to explain. There are times where I can pinpoint exactly why I'm feeling anxious, and other times I have no idea why my mind is going a mile a minute. Because of this, seeking support or talking to my therapist about how I'm doing can feel like deciphering a code or navigating a maze. Can anyone relate?

Right now, if I had to describe my anxiety, I would use the words "stuck" and "uncomfortable," as if I've been walking in a circle when I actually want to walk in a straight line.

What words or phrases would you use to describe what anxiety has been like for you lately?

#Anxiety #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #Agoraphobia #SocialAnxiety #PanicDisorder #PanicAttacks #PTSD #CPTSD #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #MentalHealth #BipolarDisorder #Depression #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #CheckInWithMe

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Thankful Thursday! 🍂 🍁

I'm still under the weather but wanted to hop on to ask what everyone is thankful for today!

Gratitude is one of the BEST coping skills ever created. Try listing 3 things in the comments that youre thankful for! #PTSD #Addiction #MentalHealth #BipolarDepression #BipolarDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Agoraphobia #Anxiety

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hi, i'm new here (•ᴗ•,, )

i'm a younger person who has been in chronic pain for around a year and a half (since april 2023) without answers. i had chronic EBV mono for about seven months, late december 2023 to early august 2024.

i have chronic stomach pain and GI issues. currently, my pain is every single day and it can be from mild discomfort to 'take me to the ER'

i've been diagnosed with autism over the summer, which is so great! i had agoraphobia for many months, but with twice-a-week therapy, i was able to overcome it.

i also was diagnosed with POTS only ~1 week ago.

i went to a hospital 2 hours away to a GI specialist, and it was one of the worst doctor visits i've ever had. it was a very religious christian institution, which i was not aware of (i am personally not christian). i don't want to go into details, but i feel very lost.

i am on the journey of getting treated for endometriosis-like symptoms by an out-of-state gynecologist. i am on a new medication and may get surgery in around three months.

i'm so tired of being in constant pain. i would love to know if anyone has gone through something similar to me, i feel so alone right now.

⁀➷ #ChronicIllness #Autism #AutismSpectrumDisorder #ChronicFatigue #ChronicEpsteinBarrVirus #Endometriosis #POTS #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #HypermobilitySyndrome #Neurodiversity #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #PanicDisorder #PanicAttacks #Agoraphobia #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #Dysautonomia #PTSD #PostTraumaticStressDisorder

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Feeling supported by my psychiatrist 🥰

Yesterday I had a Walgreens pharmacist deny me access to my adhd medication, even though I have already filled it there before. He told me it was because of my anxiety medication and he told my psychiatrist it was because I have my medical marijuana card (which recreational is now legal in my state so it doesn’t even matter). Either way, it sent me into a really bad spiral because of former issues getting access to my medications and also because I have had extensive conversations with my providers about my medications and their risks vs benefits. I have never talked to this pharmacist before (it’s always one of two people) and so he just came out of nowhere and decided to block me from picking it up, even though it was already filled by another pharmacist and waiting for me to pick it up.
I emailed my psychiatrist and she called me today and told me that she reported him to the board of pharmacists and that my medication will be ready in an hour. She told me he sent her an email that made her very uncomfortable and that it would violate HIPPA to provide him the information he was demanding. She also told the pharmacist she reached today about it and that I have an entire care team who oversees my treatment and that interfering with my medication can send me into the emergency department because of my symptoms.
This was so validating because I have advocated for myself so hard for years without being heard, or being brushed off. My rights have been violated in the past and agencies have not been held accountable, even when I reported it. It feels so good to have a provider who helps me and advocates for me.
#ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #Agoraphobia #PanicDisorder #ADHD #ADHDInGirls #ChronicVestibularMigraine #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder

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