I’m 22 years old. My father raised my brother and I , he is Hispanic and in that culture there seems to be a certain standard of achieving things or else you are a black sheep of the family. Well that so happens to be me, I’m the oldest of 3 siblings and have always taken the role of the caretaker with the most responsibilities. I always have tried to please everyone but myself growing up and it never seems like it’s ever good enough. I graduated valedictorian, got a full scholarship to college (threw that away for a boy, bad decision). I ended up going to a community college and moving out of my dads to finally get some freedom, but my mental health was terrible because of a bad breakup with an abusive ex. I dropped out of college because I couldn’t focus anymore and just wanted to work full time. Well two years later I still haven’t gone back to college because I still am unsure of what I want my career to be. I try to distance myself from my dads side of the family including my dad because I know I’m a huge disappointment and for some reason every time I talk to him , I get suicidal thoughts. I’m unsure of what to do...