I’m constantly inspired by others who are suffering with chronic illness and pain on a daily basis. You guys are some of the strongest and most positive people in this world. It’s not fun being in pain, but being in the same community as you makes the suffering not as horrible in really bad times.
Never give up on yourself. You can do this. It may seems impossible sometimes, but know your not alone and there are many people around you who are more like you than you think!
#reallife #studentlife #HighSchool #studying #homework
#ChronicPain #Chronicpainwarrior #DoingWhatIThinkICannot #ChronicFootPain #ChronicLegPain
#hyperpronationdistortionsyndrome #CompleteFootReconstructionSurgery #definingtheodds #flatfootreconstuction
#fightingeachday #invisableillness #PCOS #Spoonie