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I didn't take my Lyrica/Pregabalin for one day, because I thought I was running low...

Woke up in the middle of the night with a flare 🤦🏿‍♀️

So much for attending that tutorial today 😑

#studentlife #Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #ChronicFatigue #Depression #Anxiety #IBS


Finding hope❤️

My childhood horror keeps me haunting but I don't want to be the same always.I am messing up with my school and my seems that all my friends are going ahead and doing best but here I am everyday trying just to be someone.i fear what will I do in my future.I m scared that my career will be messed up.i want to start everything again,a new beginning but I don't know how to do it .I want to work hard on my grades but it all just sucks and demotivating.

#Depression #Anxiety #MentalHealth #studentlife #Hope #PanicAttacks #SufferinginSilence


Any who's been to college, how do you manage your mental/physical health and still maintain good grades?

I am need good studying habits, time management, and motivation tips that work with disabilities. #FibroFog #Fibromyalgia #Bipolar2Disorder #BipolarDepression #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #perfectionism #studentlife #College #CollegeMentalHealth #IllnessAndCollege


For those students out there, what do you do to help motivate yourself to get work done when you feel like giving up? #studentlife #Depression #MentalHealth #Motivation #PTSD #BipolarDisorder #Bipolar1Disorder #Stress #Anxiety

I’m trying so hard, but there’s so much going on in my life. I have a paper due on Wednesday and I’ve only worked a bit on it. I feel like a loser because no matter what I’ve done, I can’t sit there and do it. Help

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How do you stop negative thoughts when your life is shit right because you’re a uni student working freelance looking for a new more stable job? #Anxiety #Depression #studentlife #Student


Daily Gratitude #52SmallThings #Gratitude

My 3 things I am grateful for today;
1) I am having a productive study day!
2) Painkillers and hot waters bottles working there magic on period pain
3) Good music keeping motivated while I study

#52SmallThings #Gratitude #GratitudeList #Anxiety #Depression #studying #exams #studentlife


Pain, Pain, and more Pain

I’m constantly inspired by others who are suffering with chronic illness and pain on a daily basis. You guys are some of the strongest and most positive people in this world. It’s not fun being in pain, but being in the same community as you makes the suffering not as horrible in really bad times.
Never give up on yourself. You can do this. It may seems impossible sometimes, but know your not alone and there are many people around you who are more like you than you think!
#reallife #studentlife #HighSchool #studying #homework
#ChronicPain #Chronicpainwarrior #DoingWhatIThinkICannot #ChronicFootPain #ChronicLegPain
#hyperpronationdistortionsyndrome #CompleteFootReconstructionSurgery #definingtheodds #flatfootreconstuction
#fightingeachday #invisableillness #PCOS #Spoonie