Stop, look, and listen. #Life #PersonalGrowth
Not too long ago, I reconnected with a friend that I hadn't spoken to in over a year. He had gotten me thinking about certain things that he pointed out was happening in my life. Listening to him made me stop, look, and listen to something that is going on in my life.
And that was my own emotional dependancy.
I hadn't realized that this was happening to me because it is usually tied to romantic relationships.
I hadn't realized that I had become dependant on my best friend. I became tethered to his every word and was looking for his support whenever there was a bump in the road in my life. And when he couldn't give me the support that I needed, I would crash and feel like I had been abandoned.
I am now starting to realize that believing and wishing that someone will wake up one day and suddenly know how to support you and talk to you isn't healthy. That being hinged on someone that won't listen to you isn't the best thing for you.
That I can't control what he says or does, and I have to let go of the ideal and the potential I see in him.
Because if he doesn't see it, then who am I to keep telling him who he is? #emotionaldependency, #cerebalpalsy #Stroke #PersonalGrowth