Can you hear me now #MentalHealth
Good! i hope so. welcome back peeps lol being autistic and being unheard is a trigger and a problem for me. it leds to a meltdown and a ptsd attacck. it does happen. You were given a voice to be heard but god didnt tell you that when you finally could express it for the first time people wouldn't take you so seriously. it's just a kids words over an adult. Even though the narcissistic asshole found ways of manipulation and what not to cover up his filthy tracks. Being unheard and abused sucked. you just want someone to listen and believe you. not wait 30 years to hear i believe u now. #Autism #ChildAbuse #Meltdown #Meltdowns #PTSD #ADHD #epi #CheckInWithMe #ArtTherapy #PanicDisorder #PanicAttacks #Depression #Anxiety