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Gratitude and Glimmers

I haven’t been up to much lately but I have been able to read and that’s amazing because I always get distracted! Reading the Gita allows me to see how similar Hinduism and Buddhism are and I see even connections to my previous beliefs- in Christianity. The poetry is beautiful and one of the major themes- the soul- is timeless. I am grateful to be reading something useful these days and also grateful I got a haircut this week. #Glimmers #Gratitude #gratitudeandglimmers #PTSD

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Gratitude for all I have overcome

I think it's safe to say that this goes for every month - including November:)
Just thought this reminder was fitting since it is November now.
And if you're like me, sometimes you get caught up in all you still need to do regarding your healing.
All the areas within you that still need work and care.
No doubt there's a lot to be done.
But you have also done a lot of work already - don't forget that.
I know for a fact that I am no longer who I used to be - I am more me now.
And I know I am no longer where I used to be - I have embarked on my journey.
I have made such important moves for myself.
And I have overcome so much.
Today, I am grateful for all the progress I've made.
And for showing up for myself each day.
(Picture from Pinterest)

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What is a Glimmer?

I called this group Gratitude & Glimmers.
And while we all know what gratitude is, some
might not know what a glimmer is.
I sure didn't - not until a few months ago.
So that's why I'm sharing this info about glimmers.
Since learning about them, I have become more and more aware of when I experience them.
And it's a much welcomed distraction from the awareness I have of my triggers...
I am learning how important it is to know about both my triggers and glimmers in order to heal.
And I've become a Glimmer-seeker.
I don't know if my day holds "hundreds of glimmers" like the list says...
But there are definitely some!
And they are so worth noticing✨️
Maybe some of you would like to join me as a Glimmer-seeker?
(Picture from Pinterest)

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✨️First post✨️

I've created a group focused on Gratitude and Glimmers.
Because they save me daily.
But I would like to have more focus on them.
And I thought I might also support you all in your journeys into the so very helpful and beneficial land of gratitude and glimmers.
I thought; what better first post, than my #photodiary
I aim to take as many pictures as possible of things that spark joy, peace, hygge, and gratitude.
My pictures help me to focus on what is actually good in my life.
This is especially helpful when I am depressed and anxious.
And it has gotten me through some tough times.
Do you snap pictures of gratitude and glimmers?

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