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#Acceptance #Grief #RareDisease #Gratitude

I discovered in April that I've been living with #SuperiorMesentericArterySyndrome , and due to the abhorrent state of "healthcare" where I am, have been watching my health rapidly decline while I scramble solo to access appropriate and adequate treatment. I am expected to return to the remote job I absolutely LOVE on the 12th of next month, but am devastated by the reality that I will not be able to at that time. Today, I'm giving myself permission to both accept this unwelcome reality and grieve. I also grant myself the permission to acknowledge this as an opportunity to explore my passion for advocacy and writing more deeply than I have in the past.

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So grateful for this community #Depression #Anxiety #Relationships #FamilyAndFriends #PTSD #Gratitude #MentalHealth

I am so grateful for the people here on The Mighty. Whilst struggling to manage their own health challenges people take the time to encourage others and respond to their posts.

It is so refreshing and so valuable. Thank you everyone.

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Blessed with Dinner #MentalHealth #Depression #Gratitude

For those of you who don’t know, I live with my mom and sister (who has Asperger’s Syndrome). And if you’ve never seen me on here, I’m 16. My mom has a number of chronic illnesses and other debilitating health problems, so I’m left to upkeep the house and care for them.
This means that I’m also making all of my meals, which generally consist of pizza rolls, frozen burritos, and sandwiches. But tonight, my neighbors brought me a homemade meal of teriyaki chicken and rice, a salad, a fruit salad, and rolls made completely from scratch.
I was just so grateful to have a full, real dinner I just had to share it, so here I am.

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Daily Gratitude Check!

I want to hear 3 good things about your day. Small, big, the size doesn't matter! The more you notice the good, the more good you'll find to be thankful for! ❤️

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Focusing on the 98% #Depression #Gratitude #Relationships #MentalHealth

Australia is going through a very difficult economic season. Many people are having to go without electricity to ensure they have enough food. Housing costs have skyrocketed.

So, we have increased our food program at church from 1 day to 3 days a week. Friday we gave away, completely free, 160 bags of fruit and vegetables and over 1,000 frozen meals. 98% of the people are grateful and gracious.

And predictably there is the 2%. One lady took to social media accusing us of putting peoples lives at risk by giving away lemons that were rotten.
Her basis for saying this was they were pink inside. I imagine she was ready to launch a class action.

We replied to her social media post and explained we didn’t have any lemons this week but we did have pink grapefruit. Another person was upset she couldn’t order specific high end cuts of meat and have them delivered, all free of cost.

It’s easy for the 2% to upset and discourage you. I am trying to focus on the 98%

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TRUE or FALSE: I actively practice gratitude.

Drum roll, please! 🥁 We’ll be talking about gratitude this week, Mighties!

At its core, gratitude is the quality of being thankful for people, places, pets, or experiences; but it’s also the readiness to show appreciation and return kindness to others. This can look like writing thank you notes, savoring important moments with friends and loved ones, sharing how you feel when you have an impactful experience, or even keeping a gratitude journal.

When you go about your daily life, do you think you consciously practice gratitude? Or is it something you want to create more of a habit around?

Let us know in the comments below! ⬇️

#CheckInWithMe #52SmallThings #selfcare #MentalHealth #Gratitude #CheerMeOn #Anxiety #Depression #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Disability #Autism

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Finding gratitude in my struggles

Thanksgiving isn't celebrated where I live, but I always love to participate in the yearly tradition of reflection and giving thanks for the good in our lives. I try to do this on a daily basis, but I feel it's a bit more effective when we do it in community.

I want to take a different approach this year by listing the things I'm currently struggling with and finding the light amongst them. I'm hoping it'll help shift my perspective a bit before welcoming in a new year with new challenges.

I'm struggling with sudden unemployment

it came at the perfect time. I was working 2 jobs when I became unemployed due to company budget cuts at both. A few days later both of my grandparents got sick and though they recovered somewhat, they both need extra care... something I'm able to give. With my extra time, I'm studying Python, working on art and upgrading my skillsets. I'm taking care of long pending issues in my life and making important decisions while planning for my future. These are all things I'm grateful for and they wouldn't be possible if I hadn't become unemployed when I did.

I'm struggling to face my grandparents' mortality

their health and our routine at home changed drastically over night and it was a slap in the face for me. I didn't realize how little time they have left. That being said, everyone in our family has become extremely close with each other. I've mended relationships with distant family members and they've showed up for me in ways I never expected. They check up on me every day, constantly thank me for my role in this family and insist on reminding me that their help is only a phone call away... and they show up every single time.

I'm struggling to create genuine friendships

nothing new, but it's always something. I either meet people who aren't genuinely interested in my friendship or I meet amazing people, but I lack the energy and communication skills to keep up with them. It's isolating, specially in this phase of my life. Thankfully, the friends I do have are the best friends I could ask for. They remind me of what genuine friendship is and how good of a friend I am as well. They expect nothing from me but myself, that means the good and the bad. They love me at my worse, celebrate me at my best and I'm so grateful to have amazing people in my life.

I'm struggling to keep a consistent daily routine

since my grandparents got sick, my weeks have been filled with sleepless nights, emergency hospital visits, doctors appointments and impromptu family emergencies. My well being has been on the back burner for almost 2 months and my life has lost any sort of structure. Though I'm exhausted and unstable, I'm grateful that I'm realising what I genuinely value and need to prioritise when it comes to my health and well being. Being at this "rock bottom" is showing me the root cause of a lot of issues and I feel with a few lifestyle changes, I can put measures into place to prevent me from reaching a point of inconsistency with my well being and mental health.

This wasn't easy to write at all but I'm glad I did. It gave me a bit of hope for the person I'm going to become in the following year. I hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving and take time to give thanks as well.

#Gratitude #thankful

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