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My Biggest Challenge

How do I let go of grudges? It is literally the death of me and the reason why none of my relationships worked. I feel the constant need to make people feel the way they make me feel and to punish them.

I don't want to live like this anymore.

#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Relationships #Healing #Anxiety #Bpdrecovery #MentalHealth #PTSD #PTSDSupportAndRecovery #PostTraumaticStressDisorder

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Glimmer Thursday

I want to welcome the new Glimmer Seekers to our wonderful group.
Today I invite you all to reflect on a glimmer from your week.
And you're more than welcome to share in the comments to spread glimmers and inspire others.
I'll get us started with the sharing.
And your glimmer can be anything that was a glimmer to you.
If you're new and you're asking yourself what a glimmer is, you can look here:
What is a Glimmer?
And here: A really good glimmer reminder
(Picture from Google, layout made in Canva)

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Weekly glimmers and gratitude

- A new bookmark from my mom for my bookmark collection - she got in on her trip to Finland
- Beginning a new diamond art piece - a free gift in my order
- Some of my books and highlighting
- One of my brothers who thought of me since he saw a plane called Chardonnay - my favorite wine (he works at the airport). He wrote "Gigi is flying" LOL (one of my nicknames)
- Beautiful sky
- Bobbie Goods coloring all done
- New highlighters - I am such a nerd
- A delicious shrovetide bun (I think that's what I can translate it to. It's a "fastelavnsbolle" in Danish)
- My oldest who had laid his clothes out like that.
I am so thankful for my #photodiary and for the accountability from this group.
It helps me SO much to keep looking for glimmer and gratitude in my everyday life.
And that is good for my mental health.
Remember: You are also welcome to share your photo diary, individual photos or glimmers/gratitude in this group at any time✨️

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A Huge Round Of Applause To This Group #resilence #Mindfulness #Healing

Firstly, a huge thank you to Dawn and her unwavering help and support she so freely gives to all of us.

By practicing all that she has to teach has definitely helped me to become the best version of myself.

I have learned to
- be kind to myself
- challenge unkind thoughts
- get to know ME
- say positive things to myself
- do something nice for myself
- sit quietly and notice my breathing
- connect with others
- being in nature, going for walks
- letting go, acceptance

Life for me has changed for the better. I’ve made some big changes and it feels great.

My wish for others in the group is to find the joy, the beauty, the peace.

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It's Grati-tuesday

And you know what that means.
It means you get a heartly invitation to reflect on something you're grateful for.
And that you're more than welcome to share in the comments to spread gratitude and inspire others.
I'll get us started with the sharing.
Let's help each other to have an attitude of gratitude to hopefully enrich and better our mental health and daily living.
(Picture from Google, layout made in Canva)

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Your kind Monday reminder

On this Monday I would like to check in with you.
To make sure you're being kind to yourself.
It's so important.
Things are rough and hard enough with us also being hard on ourselves.
Saw a quote saying: Be kind to yourself, you've suffered enough.
And that hit home with me.
I often add to my suffering by being cruel towards myself.
And I want to practice doing some different.
Something kinder.
And maybe you would like to join me?
I wish you the best possible week, you can have.
(Picture from Pinterest)

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Monday Cheer

Hi everyone - do you want to start you week by thinking of a win from your weekend?
To get some positive vibes flowing.
Those are always good to build on.
You're more than welcome to share with us in the comments to spread good vibes and inspire others.
I'll get us started with the sharing.
(Picture from Google, layout made in Canva)

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We made it! Wanna share a win?

We made it to Friday.
And that's worth celebrating!
However you got through;
You got through - and that's what matters most.
Do you want to take a moment and reflect on a win from your week?
It can be anything that was a win to you.
You're more than welcome to share with us in the comments to spread good end-of-week-vibes and inspire others.
I'll get us started with the sharing.
I wish you the best possible weekend, you can have.
(Picture from Google)

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Glimmer Thursday

It's glimmer time!
So do you want to take a moment and reflect on a glimmer from your week?
It can be anything that felt like a glimmer to you.
If you don't know what a glimmer is you can look here:
What is a Glimmer?
And here:
A really good glimmer reminder
You're more than welcome to share your glimmer with us in the comments to spread glimmers and inspire others.
I'll get us started with the sharing.
(Picture from Google, layout made in Canva)

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Weekly glimmers and gratitude

This week's #photodiary
- Watching and listening to the small birds in a hedge while brushing my teeth
- Some flowers from my mom
- Bobbie Goods coloring
- Books! I love books - and I've rediscovered a gem in my bookshelf
- A beautiful morning
- Quiet time at my spot in my kitchen
- A picture my youngest sent me of a glass of soda bobbles - he thought they were beautiful
- Monthly calendar spread with quotes done
- And a gratitude quote seen on The Mighty.

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