I’ve had hormone issues for about 5 years but my PCOS diagnosis was made official today through ultrasound. Dr immediately prescribed birth control but I’m not super thrilled about staying on it long term (my doc said that’s pretty much the only treatment though). My case is very different in that I don’t have the classic “look” or “appearance” that often coincides with PCOS (i.e. no insulin sensitivity/high blood sugar, no elevated androgen levels, & no major weight problems). Any advice/lifestyle tips or tricks? Happy to hear anything anyone experienced or familiar with has to offer:)
I've had depression all my life and been diagnosed for close to 20 years. Now my psychiatrist thinks I may have bipolar. However, I also have many symptoms of a hormonal imbalance (peri-menopause at age 37). It's so hard to know where and how to get help when multiple doctors disagree with each other. #MentalIllnessStigma #Depression #Bipolar #hormonalimbalance #Perimenopause #prematuremenopause