I am a mess….
Not sure what my deal is anymore. Changed depression meds and that has helped me not have migraine and that is great. But the new meds don’t work as well. And I never really have been completely sure that it is a depression thing. I just get overwhelmed and things bother me and people annoy me and lights are too bright and noises are annoying and time passes to fast and i procrastinate too much and I have intrusive thoughts that are just INSANE!!!!! So is all of that from ADHD???? And I mean….i suppose it all causes depression. But dang….what is a girl to do? I’m to old for this shit. I just want to work and come home and enjoy my life. And I truly don’t wanna try any more meds and face side effects so I just gonna stick with what I got. It does help a little. I just need some advice. Some ideas. Some thoughts from anyone who feels the way I do.
#MentalHealth #Depression #ADHD #Anxiety #Sarcoidosis #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #Headache #Migraine #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease