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× " A Letter To My Feuture Partner Or S.O. " ×#Thing 'sToKnow#list

× " Dear, Feuture.... Someone.. I'am Unique... And An INTROVERT With... Alot Of Physical × Mental Health Disabilitie's... I Would Like You To Know That I'm Very Different Than Other Women... It Will Take Time For Me To Be Fully Open With You... I May Take Time To Become " Intimate " With You No Rushing!! Please.. I'm " NOT " Your Energizer Bunny... You Cannot Request Getting Laid Whenever You Please... I'm A Cautious Person When I Plan Or Do Thing's... I'm A Homebody... If I Want To Travel Or Do Something.. Then I Will Tag Along... Boundrie's × Prioritie's Are A Huge Must With Me.. Please R.E.S.P.E.C.T Them At All Time... I'm Not Big On Smooothering I Don't Like It... I Need My Alone Time... I'm Also Very Easy To Please... So Don't Worry About Expensive Gift's Etc... I Have " Learning Disabilitie's " Please Be Super Patient With Me... I Easy Forget Thing's... I Can't Hear Well.... I Have A Big Pure Honest Heart.... I'm Kind × Helpful... I Have A Sense Of Humor Funny And Sometime's Dark And Dry... I Deal With Chronic Pain... Depression... Anxiety... I Was Born With Cerebral Palsy... But I'am Still A Human Being... No Matter What... " × Sincerly, ☆▪︎☆ S.K. ☆▪︎☆#list #Letter

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Quick list of I AM and I AM NOT #MentalHealth #Autism #postivechallenge

Comment down your list. Here is of mine :
I AM NOT : Broken , Unloved,Weak, Lazy, Powerless , Forgotable, Stupid!
I AM : Loved , Hardworker, Strong , Kind, Can do anything, Friendly, Thouhtful and worthy !

#list #MentalHealth #Powerful #Autism #hearmeout #hearmeout

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Self Care Struggle

If you've been anywhere near the internet over the last couple months, you've likely seen some post about how important self care is for the soul, mind and body. Up until recently, the common opinion or immediate thought to "self care" was face masks and manicures. Now although those are 100% important (my "self care Sunday" routine is made up of two lists: The Body and The Mind), self care now is focusing on your mental well-being.
But what is self care? What does it mean? How can someone not just be overwhelmed by the thought of it?
I found this handy dandy weekly break down of a daily self care checklist - awesome!

Personally, having things spread out over the week is much easier to me to handle - both in terms of completing the task and in terms of self critique in case I happen to not have enough energy to do it. Instead of thinking "I've messed up the entire week bc I didn't feel up to my self care day" I can think "well, I might not have enough energy, but I did yesterday and there's always tomorrow."

My brain goes from "you're doing a good job" to "you're an absolute waste of a person" in 0?01 seconds so it's important I don't overload myself with too much.

I figured someone could use the list too! Or be inspired to create their own 😊
#ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #Selfcare #selfcarecheckin #selfcarechecklist #list #MentalHealth


Things that give me joy #list

I have lost so much interest in daily life. So, this is a thought process I had last night to remind myself of the things that make me happy
My cat
The smell of a cabin
The smell of the woods in the morning
Bare feet on dirt
Mountain water
Car rides with loud music
Speakers at concerts
Hang Seshs
Late night Claremont runs
Finding a new song/adding it to a new playlist
Waking up next to Adam
Being appreciated
The Grateful Dead
Writing things down
Making lists
Feeling organized
The co op
Feeling accomplished
Feeling compassion for others
Having a purpose
Being vegetarian
Eating healthy
Collecting cameras
Being wrapped in blankets
Farmers markets
Wishful thinking
Long walks to places worth the wait
Late nights with friends
Listening to music that brings back good memories
Having a clear head
Having goals
Planning tattoos
Making rooms and characters in games
Watching Jenna marbles
Food videos
Feeling good about myself
A good lewk
Purple mountains
Downers four corners
Making people smile
Showing appreciation
The color yellow
Tye dye
The smell of patchouli
Wall blankets
Fuzzy blankets
The color pink
High heels
Oversized hoodies
Waking up before the alarm goes off
The smell of libraries
Being read to
Bubble baths
Long shirts
High socks

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List 2/19

Got up, meds, preworkout drink, did my computer checking.
40mins stationary bike and 20mins yoga then a 10 egg monster quiche with hemp paste, almond meal, and spinach filling and bacon flavoring with vegan cheese on top. Brewed and drank several cups of coffee.
Bathed my emotional support animal (Oruos the bearded dragon) and fed him.
Did a load of dish towels
Did a bunch of messaging online and trying ot raise funds for business venture, while on a under desk elliptical.
Cooked lunch for myself and the business next door, and tried experimenting with 3 new types of gluten and grain free low carb breads.
Finally was able to ENJOY a game without depression, and played a hour while on a stationary bike in the living room.
Took more meds and went back to messaging and typing out emails to people while on a elliptical.
Vacuumed the house while doing lunges then worked out and yoga 20mins,
Ate a huge blended shake of bakery mishaps and protein powders....stomach did the nightly thing of upchucking a benezorr of undigested solid mass was small so i manged to digest most of what I ate (YAY for extra pancreas enzymes)
Did weights for a hour.
Paced reading a book
Took a shower,
Managed to sit though a full episode of anime without having the need to go running and do something.

Paced/Stationary biked 28.5miles, and burned 5,998 calories . #list #52SmallThings


List 2/14

Today has been a odd day, list of the day.
Made 12" chocolate breakfast quiche for myself.
Made 2 6" Keto Chocolate cakes one for to sell 20% off at $8 still no buyers.
 Made 16 dragon egg cookies for friends....realized none would come over and ate 12 of them.
 Roasted almonds
 Contacted Ann's Health Food about sponsoring truck.
 Cleaned kitchen.
 Bathed Ouros (Bearded Dragon Support Animal), fed him.
 Fixed dad lunch, and the other guy at the shop
 Made myself 16 pancakes....blended them up and ate half as porridge. (Solids are hard to digest after breakfast)
 Looked up cost and options to replace water heater. (Old one has water trickling out the rusted side)
 Contacted a entrepreneur/millionaire about investing in truck.
 Worked out 20min yoga, 40mins weights
 Made chocolate shake for dinner with hemp and triple protein scoop
 Spent hour sitting on the couch with a stationery bike, talking to Ouros....sorta. Was us looking at eachother me saying some things, then we look away from eachother and stare at the wall for a good while musing over life then repeat. Funny how we turn to eachother at the same time.
 Praying something happens, at least need some sales. Lol, I have Xmas gifts for 3 people still sitting in boxes unable to pay shipping.
#list #52SmallThings


List 2/13

New thing, I am from now on going to post a list of things I accomplished to look back on every few days when I need it. Not a failure I got up and did something.
So sitting here, too depressed to play games, concerned about not getting any valentines day orders, the bakery giveaway is flopping,.....LETS be productive, and the list of things I did.
Made Hemp Paste 2lbs
 Made Hemp Cream Cheese 4lbs
 Mixed up 6 egg mixes for breakfast quiches....4 days worth
 Made Mulled tea
 Brewed coffee for me and next door
 Made shakes for 3 days of dinner
 Made lunch for tomorrow
 Made a 2lb 14oz chocolate dragon to give away.
 Made 1 1/2 dozen keto dragon egg cookies
 Made my dad lunch
 Prepared 2 cake dry mixes for tomorrow
 Contacted HEB about sponsoring my food truck
 Contacted Autism Speaks about financial help
 Got contacted about getting a truck
 Washed my bedding
 Washed 2 more loads of laundry
 Vacuumed the house doing lunges
 20 mins working out + 1 hour weights
 Did the dishes
 Washed the kitchen
 Dusted the house
 Fed the dragon twice with fresh salads
 Prepared and ate 4 meals.
 Took a shower
 and by 6pm I had walked 15 miles doing all this and pacing never leaving my front door. #list #52SmallThings