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The pitting lymphedema is really getting uncomfortable. It's not bad on the left side but my right side is huge. I was supposed to have an appointment today but they cancelled cuz we're expecting an ice storm. The furosemide is not helping. I don't know what else we can do. I guess I can get compression socks.


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The rabbit hole...

I'm on invega trinza. This causes prolactin levels to spike. If prolactin levels are too high it's usually due to a pituitary tumor.

My optic chiasm is narrowed. The most common cause is pituitary tumor.

Pituitary tumor can cause pitting edema of the extremities. I'm taking lasix 2x per day but it's not helping.

Fun times.


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Gentle reminder that whatever you say to yourself in your mind comes out and affects you even if you don't mean it to

I definitely need to work on how often I vent frustration with the body I have been given. Every so often I have to stop and readjust my thoughts for the better, thanking my body for all it does to try to do what I want.
It does the best it can and I need to appreciate what it can offer.

#AmplifiedMusculoskeletalPainSyndrome #Arthritis #Asthma #Anxiety #AmplifiedMusculoskeletalPainSyndrome #bedbound #BoneSplints #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #CheckInWithMe #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #Depression #Disability #DistractMe #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Endometriosis #Fibromyalgia #GastroesophagealRefluxDisease #gallstones #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #Eczema #Grief #Hypersomnia #HighBloodPressure #JuvenileRheumatoidArthritis #Insomnia #Lymphedema #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #PTSD #Psoriasis #PsoriaticArthritis #Psychosis #PanicAttack #PanicAttacks #plantarfasciitis #MentalHealth #MightyTogether #MajorDepressiveDisorder #MemoryLoss #Migraine #musclespasms #MultipleAutoimmuneSyndrome #RareDisease #RheumatoidArthritis #SuicidalThoughts #Scoliosis #ShinSplints

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Today's appointment

I saw the new cardiologist today. The appointment was good. Everyone is very friendly. I got weighed and I found out that I lost 8lbs since I started taking lasix. I had an EKG and I was in tachycardia. She attempted to check my BP and HR with the cuff and stethoscope but she tried 6x on my left side and 6x on my right side and asked me if people have ever complained about having trouble checking my pulse.

Then we talked about my meds. I've been taking 100mg losartan for 2 and a half years. She thinks it's increasing my heart rate. So I'm gonna take 20mg losartan for a little while and then stop and start a new medicine that lowers HR and BP.

I had blood work done after the appointment. I scheduled an appointment next Wednesday for the ultrasound of my heart. Then I have a follow-up appointment on Valentine's Day.

She took a look at my ankles and shins and asked if I recently had pitting edema. I explained that I have bilateral lymphedema and am taking lasix and it's been improving.

Pauley is gonna make me a little pot of coffee. I ate a Bavarian sausage when I got home. I feel way less stressed.


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I've got my alarm set for 8am so I can shower in the morning to get ready for my appointment with the new cardiologist. I'm getting picked up around 930am. The appointment is at 1030am. I'm very optimistic. We have a spreadsheet for all my meds and a chart of the last 2 weeks of my HR and BP. I'll be very curious to see if I've lost weight after taking lasix for the last week. Wish me luck.

#Lymphedema #Hypertension #sodiumsensitivity

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Small victories

I haven't had a cigarette since September 2nd. Yeah I'm vaping but I got myself down to 6mg juice. And I just meditated for 3 hours and didn't vape.

I didn't have a migraine today.

I'm slowly getting comfortable with aspects of sexuality after 6 years of sexual repulsion after a traumatic rape. Well...kinda. but now I want to invest in googly eyes.

I had to order a replacement lid for my big water bottle. The gasket got moldy. And pauley attempted to bleach the silicone parts of the old lid and they started melting. The bottle is black and the new lid is baby blue. I just finished drinking 40oz of a mix of piña colada juice and cucumber limeade juice mix. It was so refreshing.

I can see some of the tendons on top of my right foot. I've got moderate bilateral lymphedema. The lasix has been really helping. Except now I'm peeing every 45 minutes. Oh well.

#Smoking #Migraine #sexualaversion #hydration #Lymphedema

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Very uncomfortable

I slept till 1130am today and my face was very puffy and swollen. My fingers were swollen too. My feet and ankles have been swollen for over a week. I took my first dose of lasix today about 2 hours after taking a caffeine diuretic. I've peed a lot today. My fingers aren't swollen anymore. Neither is my face. But my feet and ankles are still stiff water balloons.


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New meds

My neurologist sent a script for topomax to my pharmacy and my PCP sent a script for furosemide. I got both of them today. I took a furosemide a few minutes ago and I gotta take a 25mg topomax at bedtime for one week, then 50mg for a week, then 75mg for a week and then I start taking 100mg after that. I was on topomax many years ago but I stopped for some unknown reason. We're gonna try again. I'm kinda optimistic.

#Migraine #Lymphedema

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Dinner tonight

I don't feel well enough to cook dinner so my amazing girlfriend made us some pork carnitas. I was probably gonna heat up some Dino nuggies. She gave me the choice of either pork carnitas or mushroom tortellini. I decided pork carnitas sounded good.

My head doesn't hurt anymore but I'm very wobbly. And I have been incredibly thirsty today. I've been taking an OTC diuretic for almost a week now. My feet are very swollen. I'm supposed to have meds coming tomorrow. My new doctor sent over a script for lasix. And my neurologist sent over a script for topomax.

I have an appointment with the headache specialist next month. Unfortunately I have to reschedule cuz I'm having MRI done that day. I've got a lot of appointments between now and the 23rd of February.

#Migraine #Lymphedema

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It's been a long day and I am exhausted

My tummy and back hurts so much. I have only taken a tramadol today. I was worried about the inspection today but it never happened. I've spent a lot of time in my bathroom today. I've been taking some diuretic pills for a few days. My feet are so swollen and stiff. The bilateral lymphedema came back. Because of course it did. Especially now when I have back problems and migraines and my vision is utter shit. I'm so thirsty. I've drank a lot of coffee today but I just finished drinking a cup of sugar free juice. It's probably a 16oz cup.

My girlfriend got me to go back to Discord again.

Oh it's time for my insulin. Fun times.

#Diabetes #DiabetesType2 #Relationships

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