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Depression leads to anxiety leads to stress leads to grinding my teeth leads to one hell of a migraine.

No 2 people are perfect together. There will be arguments and disagreements. But when you genuinely love each other you get through it together. Right now I'm upset and I need to calm down before I deal with it. She's been giving me space to deal with my brain weasels. But after I've processed my emotions, I'll be able to have that talk. Because I love her.

She just made homemade oat milk. I made some steamed sweet potato and put butter, Parmesan seasoning, and lemon pepper. It was freaking delicious!

Now Pauley is making pork chops. I explained how to cook them. My pain level is sky high and my depression is all encompassing. I'm going to make butternut squash to go with the pork chops. Maybe.

My cervical spine is really painful. My neck is grinding. The X-ray showed the vertebrae that butts up to the base of my skull is calcified. It explains why it's so stiff. Yesterday I sent a message to my spine surgeon asking if I can see him soon. I haven't heard back yet.

However I did hear back from my cardiologist. She started the email with "Mr. Caelum". I had asked if there were any safe diuretics. She said no, saying the risks outweigh the benefits. She said just use the compression socks, elevate my feet, and try to do leg exercises. Then she suggested I see a vascular doctor. She said I'm more than welcome to seek a second opinion.

I ran out of almond milk this morning. I've been using cappuccino powder to make it creamy. I've been drinking blueberry crumble flavored coffee. It's actually quite good.

We ordered groceries last night. They're getting delivered tomorrow . I ordered 5 cartons of almond milk. Should last about 2 weeks.

I really don't feel good. My tummy has been bothering me since yesterday. I took a ubrelvy for the migraine. I need a Norco for my back pain. It's at 7 right now. I'm still semi functional as long as I'm sitting.

So my day was a mess but had a few good things.

#Migraine #BackPain #Lymphedema

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I've got a telehealth appointment tomorrow with my doctor to go over my lab results. They're pretty bad. She's gonna be cross that I haven't found an Endo yet. I'm on a really high dose of insulin. It's not helping. But it's making me gain weight really fast. It's kinda scary.

But I'm gonna talk to her about getting me a proper rescue inhaler. I've got dulera but that's just twice per day. When I go up and down the stairs or walk for more than 5 minutes I can't catch my breath.

I'm gonna get a refill of my Norco. I've been trying to contact my previous back surgeon but they haven't responded to my 2 emails and phone calls. As long as I am making an attempt, my doctor will refill my meds. I've only been taking maybe 5 per week. I'm trying to use my tramadol more often. I'm not addicted. And I intend on staying that way.

My doctor is concerned about my lymphedema and high blood pressure. I told her how my cardiologist is handling it and she's kinda pissed. The new meds aren't working. And I had a low symptoms day on Tuesday so my cardiologist thinks everything is fine. And even after emailing her pictures of my pitting lymphedema, I haven't heard back.

I'm so frustrated. And my anxiety is making me sick. I'll talk to my doctor about how bad my adjustment disorder is. Maybe she'll have an idea. She's a good doctor.

#COPD #Diabetes #ChronicPain #a1c #BackPain #Lymphedema #HighBP

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I've settled in on my bed and did a thing

This is the summary of my day so far:

Dr:*gently pokes my shin* I don't see any pitting lymphedema so I don't think you will need the compression socks.

Me getting home:*presses on shin for 3 seconds and I created a crater* the fuck...

Me:*calls doctor* I need your email address so I can show you my pitting edema.

Dr.: oh...



I've got an appointment with my cardiologist,. Transportation will get us there about 40 minutes early. We're gonna go to the hospital cafe first for coffee. Pauley doesn't like coffee but if you've been paying attention you know it's my blood type. I might get a marshmallow caramel cappuccino. Last time we were there they had sushi. We enjoy people watching at the hospital.

I'm kinda dreading the appointment. My doctor is treating my pitting lymphedema like it's just a mosquito bite and I'm whining. She knows I'm diabetic. My PCP wrote me a script for the right kind of compression socks. I'm gonna have fun explaining how Binsons doesn't have 10s because they don't have any therapeutic benefits. And my feet are huge right now so I'm sure she'll get a good look.

I've been trying to eat less sodium. I ran out of salt free garlic and herbs blend seasoning. I'll get more on Amazon. It's just difficult cuz healthy food is expensive. Pauley is broke and has bills so I've been trying to help while also buying us both food. I'm gonna be paying $300 for her meds this week.

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My foot

Hopefully next week I'm getting compression socks. This swelling is making walking very painful.


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My foot is ginormous

The skin has no elasticity so it's swollen and stiff and tight. My ankle is 3x it's normal size and hardly turns. It hurts to walk. So tonight I took a caffeine diuretic. My cardiologist doesn't want to see me until the 26th. Fine. But I'm not gonna let this go. If she doesn't like it, I can find a new doctor.


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It's 415am and I can't sleep

It might be because I drank a bottle of IQ Joe with my dinner lol.

Now Pauley and I are eating chocolate chips. She's going down obscure rabbit holes on Wikipedia while I'm just listening to music and researching medical stuff.

Today was testosterone Tuesday. I have been back on T for about 3 months. My facial hair is coming in thick and my voice is cracking again. But I'm also breaking out in lots of acne. Boy puberty sucks but it's a jillion times better than girl puberty.

My right foot is 2x it's normal size. Tomorrow the first call I'm gonna make is to the Endo. I'm concerned about how lymphedema and diabetes interact.

I'm feeling very invisible. If you see this post, what's your favorite poem? Or if you're feeling spry, write me a haiku about spring.#HRT #HormoneReplacementTherapy #Transgender #LGBT #Transman #testosterone #Lymphedema #Diabetes

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How is this something to just dismiss and ignore? My cardiologist said that all I can do is elevate my leg and cut salt intake. But there are some safe diuretic pills that I can take. I'm really upset.


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My feet are huge. 2 days ago I emailed my doctor but I haven't heard back. I'm gonna schedule an appointment to discuss my lymphedema. She said if it got worse we could talk about it and yeah it got worse. I gave the new meds 3 weeks. And I can't find anywhere to get compression socks with my insurance. I'm so stressed out.

And the pharmacy my doctor sent the script for dexcom to doesn't accept my insurance either. So I gotta find a different one that will deliver.

My caseworker from yesterday found the info page for the surgeon my neuro-ophthalmologist referred me to. The page had a link to request an appointment so I filled it out. I'm hoping to hear back.

I am so anxious about eye surgery. I've had a lot of surgeries over the last 9 years and I've done really well with handling it. I even had major back surgery 2 and a half years ago. But for some reason eye surgery scares me the most.

Just thinking about it is making me cry. So I'm just gonna lay here and drink my coffee and cry for a bit.

#intermittantexotropia #Strabismus #Depression

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