Rub some dirt on it #mysterydiagnosis #Depression #Anxiety
Growing up, my mom always told me to rub some dirt on places that I hurt as a kid. I’d always do so, quite literally, and walk away laughing. As as adult, however, I do good just to make it through an 8-16 hour shift. As in, my first rheumatologist appointment is on a day I was suppose to work. I was able to get that day off, but I have to go into a hell weekend by working a double(16hours) then two 12 hour shifts back to back. The thought of that makes me want to curl into a ball and never move again. I just did an easy 8 hour shift for my job, and I’ve been gritting my teeth for a solid 3 of those hours. I will be 24 in 2 months... I can’t help thinking of how unfair this is, and I don’t even know what THIS is. I wish I could just rub some dirt on it and walk away laughing like when I was a kid... now, as an adult, I will curl into my mothers lap tonight, cry, and pray to God I can sleep maybe 2 hours, and actually feel somewhat rested.