perfectly hidden depression

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is greenpea90. I'm here because I have had depression and anxiety for 5+ years and was most recently diagnosed with PTSD. However, on the outside, I'm an overachieving perfectionist in my career, with my physical health, and in my social life. Recently, I realized this is all a facade that covers up deep depression and anxiety. There is a new field in psychology called Perfectly Hidden Depression that deeply resonates with how I'm living life, and I would love to connect with others who are impacted and interested. Excited to be a part of this community.

#MightyTogether #Depression #Anxiety #PTSD #PerfectlyHiddenDepression


Daydream #PerfectlyHiddenDepression #SuicidalThoughts

Every day i walk through my door ,go to school , eating lunch with my friends,go back home like a normal person and yet every time i across something looks dangerous i would stuck in my daydream thinking if that could kill me and if it's does what would happen after i die , what if I fail to die and they saw my suicide note already , I'm really scared if they know the real me , i'm really scared of my family , friends and everyone reaction .
Please do not tell me I should tell them or "they will understand " because one word they say could affect what I'm about to do

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An Unhappy Achiever

This article describes me completely. I am nothing without my achievements. When I fail, or am not the best at something important to me, I feel like nothing. This article made me realize that my entire self worth is tied to my achievements. I don’t know how to be confident in myself without putting so much pressure on myself to be the best at everything. It’s to the point where I’m ready to give up. I can’t keep living like this.. #perfectionist #Anxiety #PerfectlyHiddenDepression #misunderstood

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Don’t let the cover fool you #PerfectlyHiddenDepression #Introvert #Trapt

Hello my name is Dahn,
My first day on this site was yesterday . Spending time reading post while crying I left the sight even more depressed.
I thought to myself “ how draining” I want only happy upbeat words and feeling in my brain. I am done!!!!
I stopped myself , took a deep breath and realized that’s what I have done my whole life. I’m hollow in life and not my true authentic self. Programmed to be this person I have forced myself to be. I’ve been running from myself for as long as I remember😂
Thoughts of death consume me when I am alone ! “ God please take me home” crying myself to sleep. My soul wants to dance and my brain is sick! Should I wear a bandaid on my forehead so others will understand or even better yet I may heal.


Seeing Stars

I was just diagnosed with a depression that I never knew I had. A depression I’ve had my whole life. When you don’t know any different, how do you know what you feel is a symptom of a mood disorder or just what you thought was normal? I just thought I was a pessimistic introvert prone to irritability, anxiety, hopelessness, anhedonia, and suicidal ideation with a hint of disillusionment. This has been me for so long, I don’t know who I am anymore. I have astigmatism. I see stars. I thought everyone saw stars. #Hopeforme #Ididntwanttoknow #whoami #Brokenbrain #denial #Fooledmyself #Lifewasted #Fooledeveryone #PerfectlyHiddenDepression #PersistentDepressiveDisorder

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Perfectly Hidden Depression #PerfectlyHiddenDepression

I’ve been researching and writing about how being perfect-looking can cover up and mask extreme sadness and loneliness. All you can feel is pressure to keep looking perfect. I hope you’ll respond if you experience this. It’s a risk to be vulnerable.