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Weekly glimmers and gratitude

This week's #photodiary
- New nails, spring colors
- Lofi Girl 10 years anniversary and I've been listening for 3 of those years
- Some new Easter decorations
- Cheers with sandwich ice cream with my youngest
- A salt caramel ice latte
- Quiet time stuff
- Sounds of life being lived and birdsong outside my open window
- A special treat I found for my youngest
- Movietime with Thor; Ragnarok (and let's just get it clear that in Nordic Mythology Hella is actually one of Loke's children, not Odin's;)

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Are there things in life worth waiting for? 🌷🥰

Hello everyone,

Everything is going well except for the shoulder pain I've been dealing with for the past few months. My pain still continues, and I have an MRI scheduled for April 13.

Spring has arrived in my country! But how do we know that spring is here? 😅 We know it from the arrival of a stork named Yaren, who visits uncle Adem’s boat every year. They are two friends who reunite annually. Yaren arrives in March, and they fish together until August. Then, Yaren migrates again. This beautiful reunion has been photographed for 14 years.Sometimes, we wait. And what we wait for is worth it… Yaren arrived 11 days late this year. But she came, because she was awaited.

Are there things in life worth waiting for?

It's Ramadan, and we are fasting. I've been cooking meals and trying out new recipes.

I've added the photos I wanted to share in #photodiary . I hope everyone is doing well.

Sending support and hugs from miles away!


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Weekly glimmers and gratitude

This week's #photodiary
- Finished diamond art piece
- 500 day streak on The Mighty
- Attending an online course
- Quiet time
- Watching birds building their nest in the tree
- Making notes in my journal
- Won an online prize
- Friendship Fish badge of 500
- Baking biscuits for my nephew
Thank you for giving me a space to share and for keeping me accountable with catching glimmers and gratitude.

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Weekly glimmers and gratitude

- My new, lovely niece
- Watching Thor with my kids
- Patch of new pizza rolls for my oldest son's lunch
- Spring flowers
- Starry night with the moon
- A fridge full of food and drinks
- Blind testing different kinds of cola at a family party to find out which cola is the best and worst
- Perfect cup of coffee
- My youngest sleeping in my room.
This week I had a lot of pictures in my #photodiary and it's lovely to look back at them since time goes by so fast.

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Weekly glimmers and gratitude

- A new bookmark from my mom for my bookmark collection - she got in on her trip to Finland
- Beginning a new diamond art piece - a free gift in my order
- Some of my books and highlighting
- One of my brothers who thought of me since he saw a plane called Chardonnay - my favorite wine (he works at the airport). He wrote "Gigi is flying" LOL (one of my nicknames)
- Beautiful sky
- Bobbie Goods coloring all done
- New highlighters - I am such a nerd
- A delicious shrovetide bun (I think that's what I can translate it to. It's a "fastelavnsbolle" in Danish)
- My oldest who had laid his clothes out like that.
I am so thankful for my #photodiary and for the accountability from this group.
It helps me SO much to keep looking for glimmer and gratitude in my everyday life.
And that is good for my mental health.
Remember: You are also welcome to share your photo diary, individual photos or glimmers/gratitude in this group at any time✨️

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Weekly glimmers and gratitude

This week's #photodiary
- Watching and listening to the small birds in a hedge while brushing my teeth
- Some flowers from my mom
- Bobbie Goods coloring
- Books! I love books - and I've rediscovered a gem in my bookshelf
- A beautiful morning
- Quiet time at my spot in my kitchen
- A picture my youngest sent me of a glass of soda bobbles - he thought they were beautiful
- Monthly calendar spread with quotes done
- And a gratitude quote seen on The Mighty.

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Recovery, 1 month since the end. 18.05.2022-21.01.2025.

A month was yesterday since the end of a horrible traumatic period of my life, especially the last two years, with an extremely traumatic event, of losing a dear person to those who tormented me all this time. So how have I been doing since? I'm freed. It took time, but grateful to have nothing to do with these people again. And people can be saved only if they choose to. And I chose to.
And I am grateful to the amazing company I work for, And my coworkers. To my family And friends, to my activities. To you all for the support. And here is my #photodiary about the recovery.
1. To signify the end And also for security I painted my hair red. 2. My theology books. 3. My dance shoes 4. My town 5. My leotards And costumes 6. My pharmacy books 7. My sign of hope, the spider 8. My music instrument, 9. Part of my new tattoo.
#Trauma #Recovery #Gratitude #Survivor

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Weekly glimmers and gratitude

New nails.
Homemade pizza rolls for the oldest son's lunch.
Candy and a movie.
Lights and snow.
My hobby stuff.
Beautiful weather.
Dramatic sky and clouds.
Cinema trip.
A big shirt with a quote I like: It's a bad day, not a bad life.
#photodiary used to catch some glimmers and moments of gratitude.
And I really need to focus on these for my mental health and wellbeing in life.

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Weekly glimmers and gratitude

My kids on a trip with their grandmother.
Updated habit trackers for 2025 - it's going well.
Movie night; the first Mission Impossible.
My little nephew being cute watching TV.
A beautiful full moon through the window.
Blooming flower.
A like from Paranormal Quest (a YouTube channel) to a comment I made on one of their videos.
M&M's peanuts as a special treat.
And lastly my youngest demonstrating he could stack his DnD dice.
So much to be grateful for.
Thank you all for helping me focus on gratitude and giving me a space to share!

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Weekly glimmers and gratitude

I've had a fairly isolated week.
With a lot of dissociation and numbness, unfortunately.
I think it's due to the fact that I am in survival mode right now.
So I haven't taken so many pictures for my #photodiary
But I did have enough to make my weekly layout.
And that's a win!
As you can see, I've been doing a lot of Bobbie Goods coloring to self-soothe.

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