Going back
Sometimes I worry that I might have to go back to the psychatric ward. Any advice? #Bipolar #bipolarchronie #BipolarDisorder #psychwards
Sometimes I worry that I might have to go back to the psychatric ward. Any advice? #Bipolar #bipolarchronie #BipolarDisorder #psychwards
#diagnosedat17 manic depressive when I was involuntary inpatient at my house 1st of many psych wards 7 1/2 months I assumed bipolar was my diagnosis still. Recently I was told by my current treatment team of the last 10 years, that they have me diagnosed #schizoeffective disorder. I swore I wasn't gonna research it in the least because #mydiagnosisdoesntdefineme . Now in here the first story I read I can see my actions make that an accurate diagnosis. Delusions, hallucinations, not knowing what's real plus mix in major depression and anxiety and there you have it. Over 30 years of #meds #psychwards #dualdiagnosis (10 years removed from 20 year heroin addiction and right now Im not doing well. I have never been tyis actively averse like I am now to regularly taking my meds. Much much more to story. I don't want to get better and i guess and that comes from the fact that I need to care about myself before I care whether i get better & the truth.. i don't care enough for me to help me.
That's enough for now. It's late for me. Thanks for letting me ramble. #lowselfesteem #passivelysuicidal