If you feel you are unable to do what you want to do because of limitations related to health, time, money or any other circumstances, know that you are not alone and you are not forgotten.

If you are sick and in pain, you are not alone and you are not forgotten.If you wish you could run, jump, and laugh again, you are not alone and you are not forgotten.

If you are brokenhearted and hurting, you are not alone and you are not forgotten.

If you are grieving and filled with sorrow, you are not alone and you are not forgotten.

If you are discriminated against and feel inferior because of your physical ability, age,gender, race, background, faith, etc., you are not alone and you are not forgotten.

You are not forgotten by those with kind hearts and compassionate souls. You are not forgotten by those who have tasted your pain and understand how difficult your challenge is.

And best of all you are not alone and you are not forgotten because I believe there is A Creator and Sustainer whose love, care and compassion is beyond what I can imagine. So don’t surrender to pain. Don’t surrender to hurt. Don’t surrender to sorrow. Don’t surrender to inferiority. Feel them, recognize them, understand them but do not surrender to them.And remember, no matter what you are going through, you are not alone. You are not forgotten. (Taken from my book "Hope Rekindled: A Hope Empowered" - bestseller in inspirational poetry on Amazon).
#MightyPoets #Hope #Healing #Empowerment #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #hoperekindled #raghadebied #Faith #FaithAndIllness